#chemosynthesis #science #cave #lostworld #landofthelost #sleestak #methane
The Sea Girl is a 1930 lost world novel by Ray Cummings dealing with a lost world in the deeps of the ocean. As a bonus, there are mermaids. Of a sort. There's also a beautiful but evil undersea empress and atomic submarines. A fine adventure.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/09/ray-cummings-sea-girl.html
#lostworld #lostworlds #lostcivilisations #RayCummings #mermaids #pulpfiction #scifi #scifinovel #scifinovels #sciencefiction
#lostworld #lostworlds #lostcivilisations #raycummings #mermaids #pulpfiction #scifi #scifinovel #scifinovels #sciencefiction
Evidence of 1-Billion-Year-Old ‘#LostWorld’ of #Microbes Discovered beneath #Australian Outback : Sci Am
#FDA Approves First #Cellular Therapy to Treat Patients with Type 1 #Diabetes : FDA
#Catastrophic #Climate 'doom loops' could start in just 15 years, new study warns : Space.com
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #Climate #catastrophic #diabetes #cellular #fda #australian #microbes #lostworld
„Verlorene Welt“ der Einzeller entdeckt. Fossile Moleküle enthüllen urzeitliche Lebenswelt verschwundener Eukaryoten-Urformen. #LostWorld #Eukaryoten #Evolution #VerloreneWelt #Einzeller #Erdgeschichte
#lostworld #eukaryoten #evolution #verlorenewelt #Einzeller #Erdgeschichte
I have had a lot of contact with the odawa first nation lately. especially sadly al. they, like me, are trapped in a lost world. we feel very close.
#firstnation #lostworld #odawa
#odawa #lostworld #firstnation
Late 19th/early 20th century French sci-fi/pulp fiction is great fun. Charles Derennes's The People of the Pole (1907) is a sci-fi/adventure and a lost world tale, a genre I love. This one adds some original twists.
It's the tale of a voyage to the North Pole by airship. A lost world of dinosaurs is discovered there but the twist is that the dinosaurs kept on evolving.
#scifi #sciencefiction #lostworld #lostworlds #scientificromance #airship #zeppelin #BrianStableford
#scifi #sciencefiction #lostworld #lostworlds #scientificromance #airship #zeppelin #brianstableford
A.Merritt, a forgotten master of weird fiction. His work ranges from horror (Burn Witch Burn) to epic fantasy (the delightful The Ship of Ishtar). The Face in the Abyss (1931) is a blend of dark fantasy and the 19th century adventure tale in the style of H. Rider Haggard, with a dash of Conan Doyle.
And it features a great lost world. Great fun.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2010/09/face-in-abyss-by-abraham-merritt.html
#amerritt #abrahammerritt #weirdfiction #darkfantasy #adventurefiction #weirdtales #lostworld #lostcivilization
#amerritt #abrahammerritt #weirdfiction #darkfantasy #adventurefiction #weirdtales #lostworld #lostcivilization
Jedním z klenotů nedaleko Rumunského
Sibia jsou slané doly Salina Turda v župě Cluj. Jsou zde nad sebou
dvě hlavní těžební komory, přičemž každá má 13 pater.
Je škoda, že do útrob dolu Rumuni natahali nejrůznější
atrakce včetně ruského kola. Jen tak pro sebe si říkám,
jaké by to bylo, kdyby tu byl třeba koncertní sál...
#romania #salinaturda #salinaturdasaltmine
#underground #tezbasoli #scifiscenery
#mining #saltmine #salt
#highiso #underworld_exploration #lostworld #speleo #stoly
#romania #salinaturda #salinaturdasaltmine #underground #tezbasoli #scifiscenery #mining #saltmine #salt #highiso #underworld_exploration #lostworld #speleo #stoly
Wat een avond! Robert Smith en co gaven ruim 2,5 uur lang het beste van zichzelf. Strak gespeelde set en mooie lichtshow. Lullaby, A Forest, At Night, Charlotte Sometimes en A Night Like This blijven onverwoestbaar. Ik miste enkele ‘gloomy’ songs van Disintegration, maar werd aangenaam verrast door The Hanging Garden, Faith, Shake Dog Shake en Let’s go to Bed. De nieuwe nummers klonken ook veelbelovend.
#lostworld #newwave #thecureband #robertsmith #thecure
Skryté podzemní světy
#czechrepublic #urbex #decay #underground #nolight
#montanistika #mine #podzemí #lostunderworld
#mining #tezba #zeleznaruda #kaolin #longtime
#underworld_exploration #greywater #abadoned
#czechurbex #lostplaces #lostworld #olympusontour
#omd #speleo #stoly #microfourthirds #m43 #camera
#mirrorless #creative #misterycave
#CzechRepublic #urbex #Decay #underground #nolight #montanistika #mine #podzemi #lostunderworld #mining #tezba #zeleznaruda #kaolin #longtime #underworld_exploration #greywater #abadoned #czechurbex #lostplaces #lostworld #olympusontour #omd #speleo #stoly #microfourthirds #m43 #camera #mirrorless #creative #misterycave
RT @jeremyWulc@twitter.com
@RobertSmith@twitter.com has fun with @RogerODonnellX@twitter.com’s keyboards... #thecure #keyboards #lostworld #concert
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jeremyWulc/status/1594348198495223815
#thecure #keyboards #lostworld #concert
RT @jeremyWulc@twitter.com
Listen the silence @jasontoopcooper@twitter.com #thecure #jasoncooper #lostworld #tour #thelostworldtour #thecuretour
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jeremyWulc/status/1588948949729447936
#thecure #jasoncooper #lostworld #tour #thelostworldtour #thecuretour
#ScienceFiction #scifi #adventure #LostWorld My review of the novel “Zona: The Forbidden Land” by Fred G. Baker
#adventure #lostworld #sciencefiction #scifi