I started a blog, you probably won't want to read it, but there it is.
Sillä tavalla tässä #Ropecon:ssa, puolet arvoista maaliin mutta Vetehisten Virsi jäi tänäkin vuonna. Taidan ensi vuonna itse vetää Lamentationsia että kanssapelaajilla olisi mahdollisuus tutustua järjestelmään, mutta pitää silti koittaa josko silloin tuuri kävisi!
Jakelen langassa vielä vähän lisää peleistä, tähän viestiin kun ei mahdu 😄
#deltagreenrpg #PirateBorg #lotfp #ropecon
I’m always looking for creative people to follow who like to discuss things, I’m not super interested in advertising.
Edit: I also strongly dislike DM screens.
#adnd #Arduin #osr #lotfp #rolemaster #SpaceMaster #callofcthulhu #weirdfiction #weirdmusic #weirdart #RPGhistory #homebrew #indie #doctorwho #fasa
gibbous - (of the moon) having the observable illuminated part greater than a semicircle and less than a circle.
#AppendixNLocutionOfTheDay from the revised edition of adventure module Death Frost Doom. A bit embarrassed I hadn't internalized this one!
#AppendixN #trrpg #osr #LotFP #LamentationsOfTheFlamePrinceas
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #AppendixN #trrpg #osr #lotfp #lamentationsoftheflameprinceas
glossolalia - speaking in tongues
#appendixnlocutionoftheday from Luke Gearing and Andrew Walter's adventure module Fever Swamp. Clink townsfolk Jason is prone to fits after taking the swamp's hallucinogenic plants.
#appendixnlocutionoftheday #ttrpg #lotfp #osr #hexcrawl
A fun aside from today's studies of corpse-robbing:
Dr. Richard Bayle, working in a lab in 1788, observed a small boy looking in the window. In the spirit of medical humor he waved the arm of a cadaver at the boy to frighten him away.
The tales told by the terrified boy resulted in a mob which stormed the building and burned the anatomical collection. The physicians took refuge in a jail, and a militia was called in to quell the disturbance. Seven rioters were killed.
I wrote something, kind of an adventure setting, but its horrific.
Ostensibly for a LotFP game, its a historical setting and man, history is a fucked up place.
Ukraine, Iraq, Bosnia, on and on and on. Is it necessary to confront the stark horrors of war in a ttrpg?
And does it make sense, that by confronting wartime horror and atrocities, you can promote peace and empathy?
Fuck if I know. What do you think?
I have a couple of new books out! You can buy them if you want!
(pdf versions should be available soon, and some copies are on their way by slow boat to the Former Colonies so will be available in those benighted lands in a few months.)
I'm curious about #LotFP. I've never seen it, but I will.
I'm getting ready to run #TheIncandescentGrottoes for the podcast in a couple of weeks when we do #OSE. I'm pretty excited about it. I see what you mean. OSE does seem like B/X as it should have been.
I recently got the #GoodmanGames 2-volume set of T1-T4. I have absolutely LOVED it. I got my old #VillageofHomlet out to hold them up together. It took me back in the best way.
But honestly, in practice, I'd rather do OSE.
#lotfp #theincandescentgrottoes #ose #goodmangames #villageofhomlet
Megadungeon Open Table d&d session. We play the old school way. Mapping by the players, gold equals experience points, there is no perception check. #Stonehell #lotfp #osr #DnD #ttrpg
#stonehell #lotfp #osr #DnD #ttrpg
#roleplaying #lotfp can someone summarize for me in two to three sentences what James Raggis YouTube announcement is about?
I love the man, but sometimes I need a short&precise infodump and not a 50 minute ramble...
Probably I should stay well away from this topic (and it's not like anyone cares about my opinion anyways) but here goes:
@Tim_Eagon #FASERIP, #Traveller , #Icons , #LOTFP, #DCC
#FASERIP #traveller #icons #lotfp #dcc
Has anyone out there in the #ttrpg community used TEN FOOT POLEMIC's "Snakes & Ladders" chase mechanics? http://tenfootpolemic.blogspot.com/2017/05/flee-snakes-ladders-chase-mechanics.html #dnd #OSE #OSR #dungeonsanddragons #LotFP
#ttrpg #DnD #ose #osr #dungeonsAndDragons #lotfp
Question for DM/GM/CKs on combat verisimilitude: do you penalize PCs carrying all their gear? Do you encourage players to drop their stuff? #dnd #lotfp #adnd #osr #ose #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #bfrpg #moldvay #becmi #bx
#DnD #lotfp #adnd #osr #ose #ttrpg #dungeonsAndDragons #bfrpg #moldvay #BECMI #bx
10' Polemic published (2014) a GREAT table of "200 Failed Medieval Careers" for use with #LotFP. Check it out! (Their homebrew rules doc is terrific, too.) http://tenfootpolemic.blogspot.com/2014/01/200-failed-medieval-careers.html?m=1
I don't have much in the way of convention freebies and the like—maybe the odd Bureau 13: Stalking the Night Fantastic biro sitting in a drawer—but even if I actively collected the stuff I'm not sure I could top the Lamentations of the Flame Princess promotional bucket I got a couple of years ago.
#RPG #LotFP #Bucket
Et petit état des lieux des #jdr auxquels j'ai actuellement envie de jouer ou que j'aimerais mener :
- #OSE : les scénarios officiels comme la très belle production indé (Super Blood Harvest, Silent Titans...)
- #Torchbearer V2
- #Quest
- #Mausritter
- #Alien
- #ForbiddenLands
- #Genesys (mix Terrinoth/Android ?)
- #Zweihänder
- #Blackbirds
- #FlamesOfFreedom
- #7eMer
- #DCC et #MCC
- #LotFP
- #CthlhuHack VO
- #DungeonWorld
- #MotW
- #Monsterhearts
Là encore je dois en oublier. J'ajouterai !
#monsterhearts #motw #dungeonworld #CthlhuHack #lotfp #MCC #dcc #7eMer #FlamesOfFreedom #Blackbirds #zweihänder #Genesys #ForbiddenLands #alien #mausritter #Quest #torchbearer #ose #jdr