Hannes #loth, neuer #afd #burgermeister in #raguhnjeßnitz, hat übrigens Anti-Corona-Demos organisiert und gleichzeitig sein Geld mit einem Coronatestzentrum verdient.
Starker Typ, der mit regionalen Themen Wahlkampf gemacht hat. #nazis wählen und sich von denen auch noch verarschen lassen. Wann merkt ihr es endlich?
#loth #afd #burgermeister #raguhnjeßnitz #nazis #fckafd #fcknazis #allefurdemokratie
A line that resonated with me from yesterday's Office of Readings:
[Jesus] did away with the everlasting character of death so as to make death a thing of time, not of eternity.
Just led our parish's first simple Vespers in known memory.
Starting with Lauds Mondays and Wednesdays and Vespers in Tuesdays and Thursdays during Lent.
We do solemn Vespers for some special feasts, but all fancy with worship aids, choir, preaching, and all that.
Trying it for Lent and seeing how to make year-round feasible.
Griekse blackmetalband opgericht in '96 te Athene, eerst als #Loth met #MariaKolokouri aka Tristessa op keyboard. Deze neemt de zang over, en de bandnaam verandert in Astarte.
Op 10 augustus 2014 overlijdt de frontvrouw en stopt de band. De overblijvende bandleden gaan verder onder de oude naam Loth.
#astarte #loth #mariakolokouri
I didn't bring my ordo while traveling. I assume Daytime Prayer today uses Sunday, Week II. Can y'all confirm?
The book says today uses the Complementary Psalms unless it is a Sunday, but without clarifying what to use if it is a Sunday. 😃
The Neumz project is pretty impressive. I can't say I'm an often user, but I appreciate that it exists.
They announced a big partnership that was granted EU funding to preserve more chants, including the recording of the Divine Office from the Extraordinary Rite.
#catholic #extraordinaryrite #loth