My LOTRs altered art posters are online. I only made 35 of them. Ten bucks off this week.
#thelordoftherings #lordofthering #lordoftheringsart
#alteredart #repainting #thriftedpainting #lotrcosplayer #lotr #lotrcosplay #lotrmemes #lotrfanart #lotrart #lotrartwork #bilbo #frodo #samwise #gandalf #cosplay #art #artist #painting #repainting #repurposed #recycled #alteredart #daveruinsart #thrifted #vintage #vintageart #thriftedart #nerd #nerdculture
#thelordoftherings #lordofthering #lordoftheringsart #alteredart #repainting #thriftedpainting #lotrcosplayer #lotr #lotrcosplay #lotrmemes #lotrfanart #lotrart #lotrartwork #bilbo #frodo #samwise #gandalf #cosplay #art #artist #painting #repurposed #recycled #daveruinsart #thrifted #vintage #vintageart #thriftedart #nerd #nerdculture
Ein paar Impressionen der Tolkien Tage. Jedes Jahr am Wochenende nach Pfingsten.
#theringsofpower #lotr #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #middleearth #thehobbit #jrrtolkien #tolkien #silmarillion #hobbit #mittelerde #tolkientag #cosplay #tolkiencosplay #ringsofpower #hobbittrilogy #lordoftheringstrilogy #lordoftheringsmemes #herrderringe #lotrcosplay #desolationofsmaug #lotrmemes #anunexpectedjourney #tolkiendays #ringedermacht #derherderringe #tolkien #dieringedermacht #tolkientage
#TheRingsofPower #lotr #lordoftherings #thelordoftherings #middleearth #thehobbit #jrrtolkien #tolkien #silmarillion #hobbit #mittelerde #tolkientag #cosplay #tolkiencosplay #RingsOfPower #hobbittrilogy #lordoftheringstrilogy #lordoftheringsmemes #HerrderRinge #lotrcosplay #desolationofsmaug #lotrmemes #anunexpectedjourney #tolkiendays #RingeDerMacht #derherderringe #dieringedermacht #TolkienTage
From 2. to 04.06.2023 are Tolkien Days in Geldern. Europe's biggest Middle-Earth-Festival! Good food, exciting craftsmanship, first-class costume groups, dealers, lectures, bands, children's program, artists, exhibitions, open-air-cinema and shows. 10,000 visitors and your favorite heroes from Tolkien's books.
#tolkiendays #tolkienfans #silmarillion #lordoftherings #lotrcosplay #orcs #hobbitcosplay #hobbit #tolkientag #hobbit #tolkienbooks #geldern #cosplay #middleearth #mittelerde #jrrt
#tolkiendays #tolkienfans #silmarillion #lordoftherings #lotrcosplay #orcs #hobbitcosplay #hobbit #tolkientag #tolkienbooks #Geldern #cosplay #middleearth #mittelerde #JRRT
"You like killing things, Orc ? You like death ? Then let me give it to you !" ❗ 📸🖼
Modèle: (Aidez-nous à retrouver le modèle s'il vous plaît !)
#tauriel #thehobit #lotr #lotrcosplay #jrtolkien #fantasy #elf #elves #cosplay
#photo #selection #gallery #instaday #dailyfokuza2021
#tauriel #thehobit #lotr #lotrcosplay #jrtolkien #fantasy #elf #elves #cosplay #photo #selection #gallery #instaday #dailyfokuza2021