RT @PodoftheRings@twitter.com
It had to be said.
#RingsofPower #lotr #lotronprime
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PodoftheRings/status/1586022186795511808
#Ringsofpower #lotr #lotronprime
I watched the first two episodes of #LOTRonPrime. I suspect that the Middle Earth lore purists will be frothing at the mouth long before the last episode is released 😀
Amazon's Rings of Power, the latest Lord of the Rings adaptation, is set to be the most expensive series ever | CBC News https://bit.ly/3vOAMum #RingOfPower #PrimeVideo #LordofTheRings #LOTRonPrime #LOTR
#ringofpower #primevideo #lordoftherings #lotronprime #lotr
La série la plus cher de l'histoire (rien qu'en acquisition de droits déjà)... visuellement ça a déjà l'air d'être 20/20 #Superbowl
RT @LOTRonPrime
A new legend begins this fall. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, only on @PrimeVideo Sept 2, 2022. #LOTRonPrime #LOTR #LOTRROP
#LOTRROP #lotr #lotronprime #superbowl
RT @Dr_Dimitra_Fimi: Well! More teasers from @LOTRonPrime! Some interesting nods to imagery alluding to the Jackson films (because this seems to be framed as a prequel?) What’s good to see is a diverse array of actors 👏🏾👏🏼👏. Also, is that 14 rings I see??? #LOTRonPrime @TolkienSociety @UofGFantasy https://t.co/el6oOFnFBM
Ich hätte “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of the Lord” schlüssiger gefunden.
RT @LOTRonPrime@twitter.com
A new age begins September 2, 2022. Journey to Middle-earth with The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. #LOTRonPrime #LOTR #LOTRROP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LOTRonPrime/status/1483816516327915522