I've LOVED, as only a geek can love, LOVED, the LOTR Soundtrack.
An excellent "The Lord of the Rings - Piano Suite" by Leiki Ueda!! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
➡️ ❤️ Fav: In the "The Shire" section
Prologue: One Ring To Rule Them All ❤️
The Prophecy ❤️
The Shire ❤️
A Knife in the Dark ❤️
The Council of Elrond ❤️
The Riders of Rohan ❤️
Bridge of Khazad-dûm ❤️
Minas Tirith ❤️
Twilight and Shadow ❤️
Finale ❤️
➡️ DO you have a FAV?
#LOTR #Soundtrack #LOTRSoundtrack #Music #Tolkien #HowardShore
#lotr #soundtrack #lotrsoundtrack #music #tolkien #howardshore