Global News BC: B.C. man wins $2.5M, but thought email about lottery win was a scam #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NorthVancouverlotterywinner #BCLotteryCorporation #BClotterywinner #NorthVancouver #LotteryWinner #LowerMainland #Lotto6-49 #Canada #money #BCLC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northvancouverlotterywinner #bclotterycorporation #bclotterywinner #northvancouver #lotterywinner #lowermainland #lotto6 #Canada #money #bclc
Global News BC: ‘Huge scream’: B.C. woman recounts $35M lottery win #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #$35millionlotterywinner #Kamloopslotterywinner #BCLotteryCorporation #southerninterior #BClotterywinner #LottoMaxwinner #LotteryWinner #BCInterior #Kamloops #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kamloopslotterywinner #bclotterycorporation #southerninterior #bclotterywinner #lottomaxwinner #lotterywinner #BCInterior #kamloops #Canada
Global News BC: Victoria couple strike it rich with $35M lottery win #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #victorialotterywinners #35millionlottery #LottoMaxwinners #Lotteryjackpot #LotteryWinner #35million #LottoMax #Jackpot #Lottery #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #victorialotterywinners #35millionlottery #lottomaxwinners #lotteryjackpot #lotterywinner #35million #lottomax #jackpot #lottery #Canada
Yup, advice comes easy when you have to pay for it. Whether the advice is going to work is another story altogether 🤔
#chenelno1 #lotterywinner #quoteoftheday2023 #funnyquote #emptypromises
#chenelno1 #lotterywinner #quoteoftheday2023 #funnyquote #emptypromises
Global News BC: Lotto ticket that won $5 million sold in Kelowna, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Lotto6/49ClassicJackpot #BCLotteryCoporation #Lotto6/49jackpot #centralokanagan #whowonLotto6/49 #LotteryWinner #Lotto6-49 #Kelowna #Canada #BCLC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #lotto6 #bclotterycoporation #centralokanagan #whowonlotto6 #lotterywinner #kelowna #Canada #bclc
Got excited to get an email to say I’d won on the National Lottery which is great as I only entered the once. Shame of the £20 million going my share was only £5! #lotterywinner
Global News BC: B.C. man who bought lottery ticket to celebrate new job wins $5M #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NorthVancouvermanwinslottery #LowerMainlandlotterywinner #Lotto6/49ClassicJackpot #$5millionlotterywinner #BCLotteryCorporation #BCmanwinslottery #NorthVancouver #LotteryWinner #LynnValley #Lotto6-49 #Canada #BCLC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northvancouvermanwinslottery #lowermainlandlotterywinner #lotto6 #bclotterycorporation #bcmanwinslottery #northvancouver #lotterywinner #lynnvalley #Canada #bclc
Prime Video’s Grand Death Lotto, From Director Paul Feig To Star John Cena, Awkwafina, and Simu Liu
#granddeathlotto #primevideo #johncena #awkwafina #simuliu #film #movies #lotterywinner #lotterytickets #powerballlottery #megamillions #nylottery #adollarandadream #popculture #california #californiadreaming #californiaadventure #talkingtv #californialottery #tvandfilm #celebritynews
#granddeathlotto #primevideo #johncena #awkwafina #simuliu #film #movies #lotterywinner #lotterytickets #powerballlottery #megamillions #nylottery #adollarandadream #popculture #california #californiadreaming #californiaadventure #talkingtv #californialottery #tvandfilm #celebritynews
Global News BC: Lottery ticket sold in B.C. worth $55 million #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #$55millionlotteryticket #$55millionlotterywin #Winninglotteryticket #SaanichNorthregion #BCLottoMaxwinner #BClotterywinner #VancouverIsland #LotteryWinner #LottoMax #Saanich #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #winninglotteryticket #saanichnorthregion #bclottomaxwinner #bclotterywinner #vancouverisland #lotterywinner #lottomax #Saanich #Canada
Looking back at the holidays, we were gifted cupholders and Lori got $175k 😕😂
#dailynews #latestnews #lucky #lotterywinner #lottery #winnerwinner #positivenews #katchup #katchupdaily
Lori Janes of Kentucky participated in a white elephant gift exchange at her work and had to swap her $25 gift card to T.J. Maxx for lotto tickets. Janes won $175,000 from one ticket! Is she looking for a new best friend?
#dailynews #latestnews #lucky #lotterywinner #lottery #winnerwinner #positivenews #katchup #katchupdaily
#lottery #winner #lotterywinner in post bvsh era sub-standard education and #faith based #failure anti #unions etc. take your pick.. just not toxic male bs picks or lame scratch off scams:
Walkes’ arrest comes shortly after her live-in boyfriend, Earen Huings, was arrested for sexual assault.
According to an affidavit, Huings was accused of sexually abusing a minor over the course of five years.
no good:
in #florida
be safe.
#florida #unions #failure #faith #lotterywinner #winner #lottery
If the lottery isn't a tax on stupidity, I don't know what is.