Why would it be great to include #LottieFiles animations in #JavaFX? This seems a nice answer... ;-)
"4.7 Million Motion Graphics Designers and Developers Turn to Lottie for Efficient Animation Workflow."
Still a long way to go but the core library has been extended to be able to read both fixed and animated beziers. The demo app can now load a JSON LottieFile with such animated bezier and very first result of the visualization shows some "matching parts" ;-) Colors, strokes, fills etc. still to be done.
Screenshot: left expected result as static image, right generated image based on the JSON file.
#javafx #openjfx #java #lottiefiles
I started working on a new #Java library to load and save #LottieFiles and #dotLottie, plus a #JavaFX player.
The very early steps are taken. A website on https://lottie4j.com thanks to #JBang, Mastodon account on @lottie4j, different Lottie JSON files can already be loaded and saved back to the same JSON, and a very first visual output showing there is some valid data being handled.
Sources: https://github.com/lottie4j
The JavaFX player component will be a very big challenge...
#java #lottiefiles #dotlottie #javafx #jbang
Does anyone know if I can add a @LottieFiles@twitter.com #JSON #animation to an email body?
#motiondesign #motionGraphics #lottiefiles #html #marketing #EmailMarketing
#emailmarketing #marketing #html #lottiefiles #motiongraphics #motiondesign #animation #json