An interesting history of VisiCalc and the birth of the spreadsheet as a category of software. #Lotus123 #Visicalc #Apple #MitchKapor #DanBricklin #Apple2
#lotus123 #visicalc #apple #mitchkapor #danbricklin #apple2
Happy Lotus 1-2-3 Day!!!
Lotus was the first spreadsheet program I used in DOS, and later updated to the Windows version (in Windows 3.1). I still use it to track my eyepieces for my telescope!
#lotus123 #retrocomputing #spreadsheets #business
Actually, I now have a #retrocomputing question.
The hard won results are in text files. Can I read them into Lotus 123 (for analysis), or do I have to convert them into *.wk[12] files beforehand?
#retrocomputing #lotus123 #spreadsheet #dos #format #conversion #retro
The #chatgpt bot is causing panic now – but it’ll soon be as mundane a tool as #excel or #Lotus123 - #dkpol #dkmedier #dkgreen
#chatgpt #excel #lotus123 #dkpol #dkmedier #dkgreen
@mkapor@mstdn.sociMitch Kapor is on Mastodon!! Follow him people. He's a legend. #Lotus123
Yesterday all I felt was tired.
But suddenly I'm re-inspired.
@linuxgal sc is one of my favs! Awesome stuff! (PS: I still have active files in Lotus 1-2-3 format!)
#retrocomputing #lotus123 #consoleapps #linux
Back in 2014, I got my old #AppleII disks running on my legacy 1993 Mac Color Classic. It was a beautiful sight. ❤
But nowadays we can just run Apple II and #Commodore64 software like any other OS, in a virtual machine on whatever irrelevant hardware we own.
So there's no excuse now for any of us to use Microsoft Excel, when we can use perfectly good Quattro Pro, #VisiCalc, or #Lotus123!
#appleii #commodore64 #visicalc #lotus123
Back in 2014, I got my old #AppleII disks running on my legacy 1993 Mac Color Classic. It was a beautiful sight. ❤
But nowadays we can just run Apple II and #Commodore64 software like any other OS, in a virtual machine on whatever irrelevant hardware we own.
So there's no excuse now for any of us to use Microsoft Excel, when we can use perfectly good Quattro Pro, #VisiCalc, or #Lotus123!
#appleii #commodore64 #visicalc #lotus123
Hello 👋 I don't belong here, but I am smart and I know that this is the best, safest place to be. By way of an #introduction, I started my working career as an IBM #keypunch operator, then moved to #Lotus123 in the early 1980's. Now, I am a #cognitive scientist #researcher who didn't expect to have to learn how to #code to produce #data, and have become very interested in #cybersecurity. I have degrees in biology, science and psychological science, but I am an analyst, not a psychologist. I am nerdy about #climate #science, #renewable #technologies, #evolutionary #biology, #cognitive #psychology, #neuroscience, #ASD, #geopolitics, the natural #environment and #dogs ❤️ Ask me about any of the above and I will be delighted. If I don't know I will look into it 😊
#introduction #keypunch #lotus123 #cognitive #researcher #code #data #cybersecurity #climate #science #renewable #technologies #evolutionary #biology #psychology #neuroscience #asd #geopolitics #environment #dogs
An incredible trip to the good old days. I found interesting the part to revive old binaries and converting it to an ELF compatible interface. #Lotus123 #Linux #Porting
Lotus 123 for Linux is like a Digital Treasure Hunt – Back the no Office Suites or GUI interfaces
#lotus123 #retro #spreadsheets #technology
> Tavis Ormandy, исследователь безопасности из компании Google, ради интереса портировал для работы в Linux табличный процессор Lotus 1-2-3, выпущенный в 1988 году, за три года до появления самого Linux. Порт выполнен на основе переработки исполняемых файлов для UNIX, найденный в архиве с варезом на одной из BBS.
Теперь заживём!
#lang_ru #бред #linux #lotus123
Porting Lotus 1-2-3 to Linux: #linux #lotus123 #porting
Decided to try do some work on Lotus 1-2-3 4.x for DOS, installing it on my FreeDOS 1.3 partition. Surprised to see it aged acceptably well. Quite featured in spite of its age. Courtesy of WinWorldPC #lotus123 #spreadsheet #dos #freedos #ibm #thinkpad #retrocomputing
#lotus123 #spreadsheet #dos #freedos #ibm #thinkpad #retrocomputing