Today my thoughts and Solidarity is with all Victim/ Survivors of #ChildSexualAbuse but particularly with those who live who trauma directly resulting from the actions of one person. And those who could no longer endure. I am so sorry.
Today will be especially telling of #enablers who attend. Pay attention
#pell #loudfence
#childsexualabuse #enablers #pell #loudfence
Support the victims of Pell and the Catholic Church - Ribbon Event at St Mary's Cathedral forecourt 1st Feb 7.30am #EveryRibbonHasAVoice #LoudFence
#everyribbonhasavoice #loudfence
#GeorgePell #GeorgePellFuneral #LoudFence #RibbonsProtest #AbuseByClergy #shame
Here is a ribbon on a fence in support of all those children abused by clergy and others in positions of power, control and authority.
May current and future adults and communities be more effective in keeping children safer.
#georgepell #georgepellfuneral #loudfence #ribbonsprotest #abusebyclergy #shame