
1917 (ii) - Lennes' letter (Terms and operators)
I've seen many refer to jstor.org/stable/2972726 as a change in precedence rules, and yet nothing at all actually changed! It does show that 100 years ago though, even then there were people terms and rules! πŸ˜‚

On page 93 he says "it is agreed that each symbol applies only to the term immediately following it" which shows he understands Terms and Left Associativity...

#mathsmonday #mathematics #loudlynotunderstandingthings #math #maths

Last updated 1 year ago

I've even seen one say (of calculators) "sometimes it obeys (IM), sometimes it doesn't". That's because the calculator in question obeys Terms but NOT TDL, and it's behaviour is 100% consistent with that (but confusing to someone who has lumped them together as IM). They even went as far as claiming "PEMDAS is wrong", cos they were treating it like rules (whilst also like the actual rules TDL and Terms), and made up a new mnemonic, so let's look at mnemonics...


Last updated 1 year ago