So much for only one post about #Loki today. This is a nice skewering of wealthy jerks trying to distract from their misdeeds with charity, or trust washing. Though it obliquely applies to confession as well 🤔
Back to the book after a road trip and this is today’s gem: a disturbingly accurate assessment of how my younger, immature self thought.
(Actually, let’s say “less mature” because I can’t honestly say that I’m “mature”.)
#TIL a new word
Flyting: a stylized battle of insults and wits
I suppose ‘your mom’ jokes are a nascent, juvenile version of the art.
Thx to #LouieStowell’s #Loki
#til #louiestowell #loki #definition
I was not going to share stuff from #Loki this morning but dammit @Louiestowell - you put too much funny, dead on shizzle in your book! And you’re working those groups of 3 well, with those zingers saved for last.
I managed to control my need to share every good thing I find in #Loki today but this was too good. I will now forever think of the #internet as the severed head of the god Mimir, serving up cat videos or just making up the stuff that people want to hear.
#loki #internet #louiestowell #mythology #norsemythology
I just stopped myself from taking & posting a pic about another cool thing I just read. Guessing the #adhd meds are kicking in 😆
Be still my heart - now we’re talking #colonialism & the plunder called #museums? I will make my kids read this book and indoctrinate them in the proper ways. All #kidlit should be like this.
Also: #Killmonger would have loved this.
#colonialism #museums #kidlit #killmonger #loki #louiestowell
Dammit - I’m never going to finish this book if I keep finding something funny but true af on each page.
(Maybe I should read this AFTER my #adhd meds have kicked in & not before 🤔)
Back to reading #Loki this morning and this lovely #truthbomb is the first thing I see.
Influencing the youth and raising curiosity about what this ‘capitalism’ thing is and why it makes people do things they don’t want to do… I like it.
#loki #truthbomb #louiestowell
I *love* the conceit of this book. And it’s clever & creative af - which means that @Louiestowell is clever & creative af.
I wish I could turn back time (<—- you heard that as Cher, right?) and give this book to my 11yo self, who would have had his mind blown in the most delighted fashion.
PS you can tell I have #adhd because I have to stop every couple of pages to post about this book. #impulsive #unrestrainedEnthusiasm
#adhd #impulsive #unrestrainedenthusiasm #loki #louiestowell
Be still my 12yo heart 💗
Not sure if I’m going to read this book or keep getting distracted by funny bits.
My inner 12yo is immediately impressed with this book.
Starting #Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good by #LouieStowell this morning. It looks fun (adorbs illustrations), & might start a young mind down the primrose path of #mythology.
Curious to see what part of the #mythos Stowell uses or builds on, & what creative new directions she takes.
This isn’t a graphic novel but there are many comic panels & illustrations throughout.
Also wondering if the #runes in the circle spell anything out (they must, right?).
#loki #louiestowell #mythology #mythos #runes #norsemythology #kidlit #comics
A fine #graphicNovel score from the #library. Maybe I’ll drop short reviews in the comments after reading them.
Oh - I just connected with one of the creators here! Hey @Louiestowell I’m looking forward to reading #Loki!
#comics #graphicNovels #LouieStowell #AlexGraudins #OliviaStephens #AtelierSento
#ateliersento #oliviastephens #alexgraudins #louiestowell #graphicnovels #comics #Loki #library #graphicnovel