My friend #ChatGPT reliably informs me that there was an unpublished sequel to the #JaneAusten #novel #PrideAndPrejudice entitled "Hansom Driver".
It sees Mr Collins leading a double-life as a cabbie, in order to earn the trust of a child-prostitute with whom he has become enamoured - the climax being a pistol-duel with her pimp - and him celebrating a monsoon coming to clear the cobbles of horse-dung.
A dramatisation of this led to #JohnWilkesBooth killing Lincoln to impress #LouisaMayAlcott
#louisamayalcott #johnwilkesbooth #PrideAndPrejudice #novel #janeausten #chatgpt
2/ “So one of the things I wanted to do was introduce the idea of Louisa May Alcott herself as the author of "Little Women." And I wanted to collapse the space between Louisa May Alcott the writer and Jo March, the character.” #GretaGerwig #LouisaMayAlcott
#ObraLiteraria #LouisaMayAlcott
Mujercitas (Ed. Clásicos a medida) - Louisa May Alcott
La conmovedora historia de cuatro ninas que crecerán rebelándose contra los roles que su sociedad les impone. El título en ingles de esta novela, «Little Women», significa literalmente «mujeres pequenas», e intenta resaltar las peculiaridades de esa época de la vida en la que las chicas no son adultas todavía, pero tampoco son ninas. La historia de cuatro hermanas (Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy) y su cotidianidad durante la Guerra de Secesión norteamericana, en la que su padre está luchando, y los momentos tan difíciles que toda la familia debe afrontar. Una aventura del día a día en que cada suceso se vive como un descubrimiento o una oportunidad para crecer y cambiar.
#obraliteraria #louisamayalcott
“A real gentleman is as polite to a little girl as to a woman.” –Louisa May Alcott
“A real mensch is as polite and respectful to all humans, regardless of age, or gender.” –Michael Dunn
#writing #fiction #novel #author #writer #LouisaMayAlcott #sexism #feminism #lgbtqia #TransRightsAreHumanRights @bookstadon
#writing #fiction #novel #author #writer #louisamayalcott #sexism #feminism #lgbtqia #transrightsarehumanrights
My review of the movie Little Women (1933) – Traditional Take on a Classic Novel #CivilWar #comingofage #JoanBennett #KatharineHepburn #LouisaMayAlcott #MovieReview
#civilwar #ComingOfAge #joanbennett #katharinehepburn #louisamayalcott #moviereview
I’ve been binge-watching Curb Your Enthusiasm lately just to get the most out of the departing HBO Max. One of my favorite running gags in this is Larry David’s fictional persona quoting and watching Classic Hollywood movies. On another occasion, he even said June Allyson is [supposedly] his favorite Jo March in Little Women. 😭😭😄 ❤️
keywords #larrydavid #CurbYourEnthusiasm #juneallyson #HBO #sitcom #tvshows #comedy #classichollywood #oldhollywood #littlewomen #cinemastodon #louisamayalcott
#louisamayalcott #cinemastodon #littlewomen #oldhollywood #classichollywood #comedy #tvshows #sitcom #hbo #juneallyson #CurbYourEnthusiasm #larrydavid
“I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.”
― Louisa May Alcott
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #louisamayalcott
Rome took all the vanity out of me, for after seeing the wonders there, I felt too insignificant to live, and gave up all my foolish hopes in despair.
― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
#littlewomen #louisamayalcott #quoteoftheday #12marzo
La musica è un conforto e una gioia, sia per i malati che per i sani
Scrittrice americana scomparsa nel 1888 #AccaddeOggi
Sarah Vaughan, New York City, 1949
Fotografo americano noto per i ritratti di jazzisti che era #NatoOggi nel 1923
#6marzo #louisamayalcott #accaddeoggi #hermanleonard #NatoOggi
“Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy.”
#louisamayalcott #goodwives #littlewomen
A few months ago, I spent several days in the #studio #recording demos #TheLittleWomenMusical based on the book by #LouisaMayAlcott.
Featuring lovely melodies, the #music is reminiscent of the golden era of #broadway #musicaltheater .
Linked is a video of Jenna Lea Rosen as Jo March singing "Fly Away" filmed during the #orchestra recording session.
Music by Dan Redfeld
Lyrics by Christina Harding and John Koladziej.
#stageshow #hollywood #newyorkcity #theatre #orchestra #musicaltheater #broadway #music #louisamayalcott #thelittlewomenmusical #recording #studio
The presiding judge of the #Salem #Witch Trials was #LouisaMayAlcott's ancestor. There are so many possible stories that can be written based on this, and so few of them have been. What if the process of judgement persuaded Sewall to take up witchcraft and it became a family tradition? Little Witchy Women...
#salem #witch #louisamayalcott
"I'm not ambitious for a splendid fortune, a fashionable position, or a great name for my girls.
If rank & money come with love & virtue… I should accept them gratefully & enjoy good fortune; but I know, by experience, how much genuine happiness can be had in a plain little house, where daily bread is earned & some privations give sweetness to the few pleasures."
— Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
#LittleWomen #Literature #LouisaMayAlcott
#Reading #Quote #Writing #QuoteOfTheDay
#littlewomen #literature #louisamayalcott #reading #quote #writing #quoteoftheday
These can be fun, I'll try another!
#TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy by #DouglasAdams
#AFarewellToArms by #ErnestHemigway
#LittleWomen by #LouisaMayAlcott
#FloatingDragon by #PeterStraub
#SkyeOMalley by #BertriceSmall
#September by #RosamundePilcher
#FiveForSorrowTenForJoy by #RumerGodden
Bonus pick: #cookbooks I read cookbooks when I'm hungry.
#7booksilove #thehitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #douglasadams #afarewelltoarms #ErnestHemigway #littlewomen #louisamayalcott #floatingdragon #PeterStraub #skyeomalley #bertricesmall #september #rosamundepilcher #fiveforsorrowtenforjoy #rumergodden #cookbooks
Today, November 29, is the birthday of #MadeleineLEngle (1918), #CSLewis (1898), and #LouisaMayAlcott (1832). Why is today not a literary holiday? Why am I at the office today?
#madeleinelengle #cslewis #louisamayalcott
È molto più semplice occuparsi dei difetti degli altri, che dei propri
Scrittrice americana #NataOggi nel 1832
Salomè, 1930 ca
Scultore #NatoOggi nel 1887 a Bolzano
#29novembre #louisamayalcott #NataOggi #ignazgabloner #NatoOggi
Se cumplen 190 años del nacimiento de #LouisaMayAlcott, conocida mundialmente por escribir #Mujercitas. Breve vídeo biografico, en homenaje a ella, aquí:
#HistoriaDeLasMujeres #MujeresEnLaHistoria #LuchadorasYPioneras #GoVegan
#louisamayalcott #mujercitas #historiadelasmujeres #MujeresEnLaHistoria #LuchadorasYPioneras #govegan
Se cumplen 190 años del nacimiento de #LouisaMayAlcott, conocida mundialmente por escribir #Mujercitas. Breve vídeo biografico, en homenaje a ella:
#HistoriaDeLasMujeres #MujeresEnLaHistoria #LuchadorasYPioneras #GoVegan
#louisamayalcott #mujercitas #historiadelasmujeres #MujeresEnLaHistoria #LuchadorasYPioneras #govegan
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of spending several days in the studio working on demo recordings for a new #stageshow based on the book Little Women by #LouisaMayAlcott.
Below is a video of Jenna Lea Rosen as Jo March singing "Fly Away" filmed during the #orchestra recording session.
#TheLittleWomenMusical features music by Dan Redfeld, and lyrics by Christina Harding and John Koladziej.
#thelittlewomenmusical #orchestra #louisamayalcott #stageshow