RT @tmccormick
"Box Furniture: How to Make a Hundred Useful Articles for the Home" [from packing crates] by #LouiseBrigham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Brigham, 1909. Full book: https://archive.org/details/boxfurniturehowt00brigiala/mode/1up. My proj #BoxShelves surveys such #ModularFurniture & a new type http://tmccormick.org/projects/boxshelves c/@LangeAlexandra https://twitter.com/alicerawsthorn/status/1623268338091675654
#louisebrigham #boxshelves #modularfurniture
"Box Furniture: How to Make a Hundred Useful Articles for the Home" [from packing crates] by #LouiseBrigham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Brigham, 1909. Full book: https://archive.org/details/boxfurniturehowt00brigiala/mode/1up. My proj #BoxShelves surveys such #ModularFurniture & a new type http://tmccormick.org/projects/boxshelves c/@LangeAlexandra
RT @alicerawsthorn
Design and Economy | 3. After publishing a 1909 book …
#louisebrigham #boxshelves #modularfurniture