Due to worsening weather in the central Mediterranean, the Louise Michel had to seek shelter close to Lampedusa over the night. Our crew and guests are under way again now to finish their journey towards the assigned port of Trapani, where they will arrive tomorrow morning.
#LouiseMichel #SeaRescue #Europe #EU #Italy #NoBorders #FreedomOfMovement #HumanRightsForAll
#louisemichel #searescue #europe #eu #italy #noborders #freedomofmovement #HumanRightsForAll
🔵 Sono state sbarcate nel porto di #Trapani dalla #LouiseMichel le 33 persone soccorse ieri a sud di #Lampedusa. A loro auguriamo un futuro migliore e il rispetto dei loro diritti in #Europa. Per @mvlouisemichel e tutta la #CivilFleet in mare gratitudine e solidarietà .LouiseMichel: 1/2 All 33 survivors of yesterday’s rescue were disembarked in Trapani today. Although the welcoming by the EU authorities is becoming increasingly dehumanising, we wish everyone all the best for their future, and strength for the European Asylum System.
#trapani #louisemichel #lampedusa #europa #civilfleet
S’inspirant de la vie et des écrits de Louise Michel, l’auteure-compositrice-interprète Michèle Bernard met en scène au théâtre d’Oullins (69), en 2001, le spectacle L’Oiseau noir du champ fauve, cantate pour Louise Michel qui deviendra un disque.
#louisemichel #partagenoir #chanson #révolution
#revolution #chanson #partagenoir #louisemichel
Méditerranée : 41 personnes parties de Sfax secourues par le navire humanitaire Louise Michel
#migrants #mediterranee #naufrages #sauvetages #LouiseMichel
#migrants #mediterranee #naufrages #sauvetages #louisemichel
🔵 La nostra #MareJonio dà il benvenuto a #Trapani alle 41 persone, tra cui un bimbo piccolo, soccorse ieri dalla #LouiseMichel a sud di #Lampedusa.Grazie @mvlouisemichel !#CivilFleethttps://twitter.com/MVLouiseMichel/status/1685997215494389760?t=0xIYyerGZGBUA8r-p0ED2w&s=19LouiseMichel: 1/3 This morning our crew was informed about a boat in distress. 41 people, including one baby in an overcrowded and unseaworthy iron boat were made stable by our crew with rescue equipment, water and medical assessments, whilst we tried to contact the Italian authorities.
#marejonio #trapani #louisemichel #lampedusa #civilfleet
★ #anarchisme #pédagogie #émancipation #Liberté
#écologie #autogestion #antimilitarisme #anticléricalisme #fédéralisme_libertaire #feminisme
#antiétatisme #anticapitalisme #antifascisme #internationalisme
#louisemichel #internationalisme #Antifascisme #anticapitalisme #antietatisme #Feminisme #federalisme_libertaire #anticlericalisme #antimilitarisme #autogestion #ecologie #liberte #emancipation #pedagogie #Anarchisme
Call for Captain
The rescue ship Louise Michel is urgently looking for a Captain for the rescue rotations from July on, permanent or temporary.
If you are a certified Captain or know someone with this licence (unlimited: 500+ GT, STCW A-II/2) please contact the crewing team.
#LouiseMichel #Rescue #FreedomOfMovement #SafePassage #MigrationIsNotACrime #NoBorders #FortressEurope​
seebrueckeffm@venera.social - ♲ @MVLouiseMichel@twitter.com:
#louisemichel #rescue #freedomofmovement #safepassage #Migrationisnotacrime #noborders #fortresseurope
Call for Captain
We are urgently looking for a Captain for our rescue rotations from July on, permanent or temporary.
If you are a certified Captain or know someone with this licence (unlimited: 500+ GT, STCW A-II/2) please contact our crewing team.
seebrueckeffm@venera.social - ♲ @MVLouiseMichel@twitter.com:
Une formidable création au Théâtre Les Amis de Carouge sur Louise Michel à voir jusqu'au 25 juin. Je conseille !
Avec Louise de Charlotte Filou, le Théâtre Les Amis de Carouge clôt sa saison de manière spectaculaire !
#theatre #louisemichel #carouge #geneve
Re 3/4 After our own ship, the #LouiseMichel, was detained several weeks ago, our lawyers have filed a complaint against the detention. The court case, which had its first hearing two weeks ago, is likely to take months.
Cuando la multitud hoy muda
Ruja como el océano
Y a morir esté dispuesta
La Comuna resurgira
Volveremos multitud sin número
Vendremos por todos los caminos
Espectros vengadores surgiendo de las sombras
Vendremos estrechandonos las manos ...
La muerte llevará el estandarte
La bandera negra velo de sangre
Y púrpura florecerá la tierra
Libre bajo el cielo llameante ...
... Leyendo La Comuna de ParÃs
Canción de las prisiones, Mayo de 1871.
Louise Michel
#louisemichel #anarchy #anarquia
Call for CaptainWe are seeking a Captain for our next rescue rotation. If you are a certified Captain or know someone with this licence (unlimited: 500+ GT, STCW a-ii/2) please contact our crewing team:crewing@mvlouisemichel.org#SolidarityAndResistance #LouiseMichel https://t.co/jPXb0Uo2hY
Louise Michel
Today in Labor History May 29, 1830: Anarchist school teacher Louise Michel was born. Also known as the Red Virgin, she was a leader of the Paris Commune. During the Bloody Week, the authorities executed 30,000 men, women and children. They forced Michel to turn herself in by threatening to kill her mother, then deported her to New Caledonia, where she taught both the children of colonists and the indigenous people of New Caledonia. Her struggle against French colonialism and her support for the indigenous people is remembered today in their local museum of anarchism.
In 1880, the French gave amnesty to commune prisoners and allowed her back into the country. Many of those prisoners could not find work and were starving. She helped set up soup kitchens to feed them and devoted herself to writing about strikes and worker protests. On Mach 9, 1883, she led a demonstration through Paris. During the march, starving workers looted bakeries and stole bread. They arrested Michel and sentenced her to six years solitary confinement. Two years after being released, a would-be assassin shot her behind her ear. During the trial, she defended the would-be assassin, arguing that he had been misled by an evil society. She died on January 9, 1905, due in part to the bullet that remained lodged in her skull.
#Workingclass #LaborHistory #LouiseMichel #anarchism #ParisCommune #prison #execution #massacre #Revolution #feminism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #louisemichel #anarchism #ParisCommune #prison #execution #massacre #Revolution #feminism
Italie : les 71 migrants secourus par le Louise Michel ont débarqué à Trapani, en Sicile
#migrants #italie #sauvetage #LouiseMichel
#migrants #italie #sauvetage #louisemichel
Méditerranée : le Louise Michel porte secours à 71 personnes en détresse dans une embarcation
#migrants #LouiseMichel # Mediterranee #sauvetages
#migrants #louisemichel #sauvetages
Pour le poto colloc artiviste qui se reconnaitra !
Vive La Commune ! #commune #louisemichel #anarchiste #feministe #revolution #destitutionmacron #1789 #1871 #2023 #canuts #collectifpleinlavue #rap #resistancealagressionpublicitaire #lyon #stoppub @vegeta1312
#commune #louisemichel #anarchiste #feministe #revolution #destitutionmacron #canuts #collectifpleinlavue #rap #ResistanceALAgressionPublicitaire #lyon #stoppub
Waaah super ressources ! dire que ça fait 4 ans que c'est en ligne (^;
Vous aviez vu ça !? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3Rs7Pjd8gM
#Anarchie #Humour #Politique #Anima #Communisme #Liberté #Égalité #LouiseMichel #Proudhon
#anarchie #humour #Politique #anima #Communisme #Liberte #egalite #louisemichel #proudhon
RT @ZabouVillon
" C'est une édition jeunesse donc accessible à tous " Uppercut de @SebRome 🤣
"Faites entrer le Macron"
#LouiseMichel https://twitter.com/SebRome/status/1648990749466165248
#louisemichel #macronchallenge #intervillesmacron
Les ultra-libéraux ont quand même un excellent sens de l'ironie: Macron qui fait sa petite sortie au Collège Louise Michel, heureusement que je ne crois pas à la survie de l'âme, car la pauvrette! Et ensuite dans le poste on nous dira que les violences sont le fait des anarchistes. Rappel, elle était de quelle obédience politique Louise Michel? #anarchiste #louisemichel #macron #récupération #ignominie #arrogance #foutagedegueule #ganges
#ganges #foutagedegueule #arrogance #ignominie #recuperation #macron #louisemichel #anarchiste