#SantaBarbara 013 (1984) - 9/10
#VirginiaMayo joins the show here, as Peaches.
1️⃣ One reason I love this show is that it's enormous fun to watch. Performers like #LouiseSorel and #LaneDavies are a big part of that fun. At one point here, Davies walks into a scene and totally changes the whole dynamic. You can't take your eyes off him. That's real star power.
#santabarbara #virginiamayo #louisesorel #lanedavies
#SantaBarbara 005 (1984) - 8/10
Friday, August 3, 1984.
1️⃣ SB ends its first week on-air by bringing Joe and Kelly face-to-face, alone for the first time. The obvious, but completely correct, way to end things.
2️⃣ MVP: #LouiseSorel. Definitely. Augusta meets Joe for lunch, again. Sorel is hilarious; delicious.
#SantaBarbara 004 (1984) - 8/10
❝Do you like aggressive women?❞
1️⃣ Highlight: the first meeting between Augusta (#LouiseSorel) and Joe (#DaneWitherspoon). Sorel is so much fun to watch. And there is real story potential from pairing these two characters, who each have their own reasons for working against #CCCapwell.
2️⃣ Joe and Kelly still haven’t had a scene together, but the show is doing a terrific job of building up the relationship and making us believe in the love story.
#santabarbara #louisesorel #danewitherspoon #cccapwell