Hey #LoungeTown, your Founding Mayor here.
Just wanted to let you know that I successfully upgraded our instance to the latest Mastodon version which patches a few critical security vulnerabilities. We are safely on v4.1.3 now.
For more info about the update, check out https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/releases/tag/v4.1.3
To support your instance, click here: https://buy.stripe.com/14k2c0amp7njgRqbIJ
Hey #MastoAdmin folks! Does this look similar on your instances? Not the New User numbers but user retention percentages (closed registrations in March, "reason to join" open registrations in February and April)
Remember: you can always check #LoungeTown status at https://status.lounge.town
Hey #LoungeTown! Your Founding Mayor here. The instance will be down for a few minutes for storage space upgrade. We had almost grown out of the current tier and to give us some breathing room, we need to get more space now rather than later.
Just a reminder: your Founding Mayor is footing the bill. If you like it here and are able to, please, chip in: https://buy.stripe.com/14k2c0amp7njgRqbIJ
Hey #LoungeTown! Your founding mayor here.
I’ve been away from current news for a couple of days, and missed what’s all the fuss is around #Facebook joining #fediverse all of sudden. Just want to assure you (or give you heads up): if/when #Meta joins, they will be promptly defederated (suspended) by https://lounge.town.
I’m open to revisiting this decision three years later.
#loungetown #facebook #fediverse #meta
Hey #LoungeTown! Just a reminder that there's a donation link you can use if you find value in being here and can afford to chip in. 100% of donations go towards hosting costs. Just sayin' :)
#LoungeTown has limited newsie.social due to their hosting of @newsmax, a far-right transophobic and xenophobic misinformation outlet. If the issue at hand isn’t resolved soon and the account isn’t permanently removed, the instance will be suspended. #mastoadmin #fediblock
#loungetown #mastoadmin #fediblock
Hey #LoungeTown
I've posted updated rules to our server description and (with a bit more context) here:
Rules 🧵
I have to say, since migrating over here, it's been a breath of fresh air to not have to think about James Woods, Scott Baio, or the Hercules guy whose name I can't remember because he's an unemployed, irrelevant LOSER.
#LoungeTown #instance
#mastodon #loungetown #instance
Latest maintenance was a success! #LoungeTown switched from Docker container registry to Github, and also upgraded to the latest #mastodon v4.1.1 because why not? :)
Happy Saturday! #MastoAdmin
#loungetown #mastodon #mastoadmin
@tek But how do you scale and monetize love?.. /s
#LoungeTown budget is around $80/mo, it has a single admin/mod, but may be more reliable that #TwitterDown (https://status.lounge.town, I'm so very proud of it!).
Love- and care-based infra is winning.
I hope everybody in #LoungeTown had a good day I really thought about you guys earlier when I was at work 🤣 #DontJudgeMe ..
Just wanted to welcome all new residents of #LoungeTown. Our new @welcome bot works fairly reliably now and should greet each and everyone of you individually via a Direct Message.
One of the suggestions it makes is to “follow your admin”. It’s not because I care how many people are following me (I absolutely do not), it’s so that you have at lease one person you “know” to connect with _on day one_. Feel absolutely free to unfollow me whenever you please, no hard feelings at all!
@Trude anyone from any other server can follow you as “@Trude”, and you can follow any person from anywhere, say, @MarkRuffalo :)
People of #LoungeTown are just other folks who made this instance their home. Check them out at https://lounge.town/public/local
Oh, and try using an app. Say, @icecubesapp ;)
Have been building a welcome bot #today that would greet new folks and offer a few suggestions about what to do next at #LoungeTown. I think it works now. Will be looking out for bugs and/or other reports.
And the first person who got the very first “welcome” message ever from @welcome was @ozziemagic, so double welcome to you! 😄
#today #loungetown #mastoadmin #welcome #bot
@Lord_William82 I totally get it. Luckily, this is more of a technological safeguard around the network that you can't really override with money. Like, no one person/company can possibly own the Internet; it's somewhat similar with Mastodon, even if on a much smaller scale.
For one, #LoungeTown is not for sale and will never, ever, ever be for sale, no matter how much is on the table. Take that, Elon!
ℹ️ Did you know? When you experience issues with #LoungeTown (it's slow or unavailable), you can check its status at https://status.lounge.town ⚡