When are Gwildor and Zantar from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe going to flirt with each other already, ain't that true squad? #HeMan #MOTU #Gwildor #Zantar #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #gwildor #zantar #louscheimer
The best part of the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe fandom is the KingTwo shippers who just want to see King Sallas and Two Bad hook up. #HeMan #MOTU #KingSallas #JohnErwin #TwoBad #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #kingsallas #johnerwin #twobad #louscheimer
Why don’t you just get a hotel room in a hotel already, Tri-Klops and Cringer from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe? #HeMan #MOTU #TriKlops #LouScheimer #Cringer #AlanOppenheimer
#heman #motu #triklops #louscheimer #cringer #alanoppenheimer
The whole gang agrees that Fang Man and Panthor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe should get married. #HeMan #MOTU #FangMan #LouScheimer #Panthor
#heman #motu #fangman #louscheimer #panthor
The neatest pairing on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe is Screeech and Zantar. #HeMan #MOTU #Screeech #Zantar #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #screeech #zantar #louscheimer
We all agree that Moss-Man and Fang-Or are the neatest couple on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. #HeMan #MOTU #MossMan #LouScheimer #FangOr
#heman #motu #mossman #louscheimer #fangor
Just flirt with each other already Sy-Klone and Kobra Khan from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. #HeMan #MOTU #SyKlone #LouScheimer #KobraKhan
#heman #motu #syklone #louscheimer #kobrakhan
Fisto and King Randor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe - kiss when? #HeMan #MOTU #Fisto #LouScheimer #KingRandor
#heman #motu #fisto #louscheimer #kingrandor
Thinking about Faker and Orn from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe flirting with each other is giving us most of the feels! #HeMan #MOTU #Faker #JohnErwin #Orn #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #faker #johnerwin #orn #louscheimer
Did it hurt? When Orko and Chief Merlo from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe didn't cuddle? #HeMan #MOTU #Orko #LouScheimer #ChiefMerlo #AlanOppenheimer
#heman #motu #orko #louscheimer #chiefmerlo #alanoppenheimer
In this apartment building we ship BeastCosmic (Beast Man and Zodac) from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. #HeMan #MOTU #BeastMan #JohnErwin #Zodac #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #beastman #johnerwin #zodac #louscheimer
She's a 10 but she doesn't want Zantar and Clawful from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe to flirt with each other. #HeMan #MOTU #Zantar #LouScheimer #Clawful
#heman #motu #zantar #louscheimer #clawful
Kiss when, Stinkor and Attak Trak from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe? #HeMan #MOTU #Stinkor #AttakTrak #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #stinkor #attaktrak #louscheimer
We all know QueenSpike (Queen Sumana and Spikor) is the nicest ship on He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. #HeMan #MOTU #QueenSumana #LindaGary #Spikor #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #queensumana #lindagary #spikor #louscheimer
Kiss when, Orn and King Randor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe? #HeMan #MOTU #Orn #LouScheimer #KingRandor
#heman #motu #orn #louscheimer #kingrandor
Who wants Evil-Lyn and Zodac from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe to smooch? I'm trying to see something. #HeMan #MOTU #EvilLyn #LindaGary #Zodac #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #evillyn #lindagary #zodac #louscheimer
Teela and The Great Orlando from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe should smooch but y'all aren't ready for that conversation! #HeMan #MOTU #Teela #LindaGary #TheGreatOrlando #LouScheimer
#heman #motu #teela #lindagary #thegreatorlando #louscheimer