The transplanted #DevilsBitScabious and #Lousewort #Wildflowers are still doing OK. They have shrunk with the cold weather or rather grass has taking a headstart.
I intend to mow again in the spring to restore more light to the soil with the hope of helping more germination of the seed I spread.
(Some #spearwort and #sedge there too.)
#devilsbitscabious #lousewort #wildflowers #spearwort #sedge
Thanks, yes I'm excited to see what germinated. I expect not all will flower 1st year.
#YellowRattle & #Sneezewort were two target plants I had to travel to the coast to get. The rest were relatively near. Apart from sowing 2 handfuls of rattle I transplanted 3 #Lousewort plants & sowed #RedBartsia as hemi parasites.
I use forest tracks mostly as come September all earmarked hedge seed source was flailed. Maybe your Tufted vetch will come in time they say sanding vetch seed may help
#yellowrattle #sneezewort #lousewort #redbartsia