Biden administration: We never coerced Big Tech into suppressing speech - Enlarge (credit: Drew Angerer / Staff | Getty Images North America)
... - #federaltakedownrequests #bidenadministration #markzuckerberg #misinformation #socialmedia #covid-19 #facebook #joebiden #lousiana #missouri #twitter #policy #meta
#meta #policy #twitter #missouri #lousiana #joebiden #facebook #covid #socialmedia #misinformation #markzuckerberg #bidenadministration #federaltakedownrequests
Ars Technica: Biden administration: We never coerced Big Tech into suppressing speech #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Federaltakedownrequests #bidenadministration #MarkZuckerberg #misinformation #socialmedia #COVID-19 #Facebook #JoeBiden #lousiana #missouri #Twitter #Policy #meta
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #federaltakedownrequests #BidenAdministration #markzuckerberg #misinformation #socialmedia #covid #facebook #joebiden #lousiana #missouri #Twitter #policy #meta
It'll be interesting to see what happens in #lousiana Passing anti-glbt bills would certainly hurt the state's economy. New Oreleans is often called the "San Francisco of the South" and is the number 1 domestic travel destination for gays. You have Mardi Gras, the white party and Southern Decadence. If they want to keep that title, and the pink dollars that goes with it, they're going to have to be careful.
Looks like #Lousiana also hit by the #MoveIT hack, with 6 million driver's licenses and data exposed. #cybersecurity
#lousiana #moveit #cybersecurity
Im Staat #Lousiana gibt es nun Gesetz, was einen Account im Internet (etwa Social Media) zu haben bei unter 18jährigen grundsätzlich an elterliche Erlaubnis gebunden ist. Wenn der Gouverneur das Gesetz unterschreibt können Eltern die Accounts ihrer Kinder kündigen, wenn sie wollen.
Gerade bei problematische Eltern ist das eine zusätzliche Gefahr für ihre Kinder.
Louisiana Passes Bill That Would Require Parental Consent for Kids’ Online Accounts
Obwohl das Gesetz, mit den #trans Healthcare für Minderjährige verboten werden sollte im Komitee von #Lousiana scheiterte, wurde das Gesetz dennoch eingebracht und beschlossen. Auch hier gehts nicht nur um Hormone oder operative Maßnahmen sondern betrifft bereits "to validate a minor's perception of his sex
4 if the minor's perception is inconsistent with his sex" - was bereits das Respektieren der Identität der Minderjährigen trans Person einschließt.
Gute Nachrichten gibts aus #Lousiana: Hier wurde die Gesetzgebung zum Verbot von #trans Healthcare gestoppt.
Viele sagten gegen dieses Gesetz aus. Ein Senator d. Republicans, Fred Mills hat sich von vorliegenden Daten über trans Healthcare überzeugen lassen & damit das Gesetz stoppen können.
“My decision was really, really based on the numbers. All the testimony I heard by the proponents that children are getting mutilated, I didn’t see it in the statistics”
The power plant should've been shut down #lousiana
End of COVID food benefit will land hard on La. residents | #Lousiana #FoodSecurity
There was a tornado warning for Dallas, #texas earlier and there were reports of 80 mph straight line winds. It has turned into a squall line and it may turn into a derecho please keep an eye on these lines of storms if you in #arkansas and #lousiana #weather
#texas #arkansas #lousiana #weather
From #Techdirt: Cops who initiated and then escalated a confrontation and ultimately shooting their victim 20 times in the back ask the state law enforcement agency to investigate them.
The #Lousiana State #Police then obtain a search warrant for the victim's property, for the crime of "aggravated assault upon a peace officer."
I see that the wise leaders of Louisiana have decreed that citizens, before visiting a porn site, will be required to present a... (Checks notes) ...a VPN. (Verifies notes.) Yes. That seems to be correct...
#lousiana #dumblaws #vpn #artificialstupidity
@iDontUnderstand It’s a little more “hands on” than other social media, but it’s has been worth it for me! My advice would be to search/follow hashtags for your interests and to follow people fairly indiscriminately (at least at first, you can always pare down later).
A quick way to add some people from #lousiana would be to check out the local feed for and follow some of the active people there!
Let's see if this has an effect on sales of #DVD players in #Lousiana in the next quarter.
1st post bringing my latest video (link below):
The new dating of the Lousiana State University Campus mounds, the implications of it, and how "right" was Graham Hancock, after having suggested mound building is much older in his book "America Before". He also talks about North American mounds in his new doc called "Ancient Apocalypse".
#moundbuilders #moundbuilding #america #grahamhancock #lsu #lousiana #archaeology #ancienthistory #history #ancient #ancientapocalypse
#moundbuilders #moundbuilding #america #grahamhancock #lsu #lousiana #archaeology #ancienthistory #history #ancient #ancientapocalypse