The NHL jumps on the "hate" bandwagon. The league announced that teams will no longer wear "Pride" themed jerseys or host "Pride" night celebrations. Does this mean there will be no "theme" night celebrations of any kind?
Last November, there was backlash over a comment that insulted the Trans Community. Having experience with blatant ableism in hockey, it seems the sport continues to contradict it own slogan from a few years ago. To paraphrase:
Apparently..."Hockey is (NOT) for Everyone"
NHL pulls the plug on "Pride":
NHL insults Tran women:
Image from NHL .com
#LiveAndLetLive #StopHomophobia #LGBTQRights #LGBTQAlly #EndBigotry #NHL #MLB #StopHate #Love4All #InvisibleDisabilityRights
#liveandletlive #stophomophobia #lgbtqrights #lgbtqAlly #endbigotry #nhl #mlb #stophate #love4all #InvisibleDisabilityRights
Shopping at "Target" and vacationing in Florida should be boycotted for much more than a day in response to the Ableist and anti-LGBTQIA actions of both.
Desantis - Florida:
Target removes Pride:
#boycott #TargetStores #exclusion #EndAbleism #StopHomophobia #censorship #CivilRights #LGBTQRights #EndBigotry #equality #inclusion #diversity #Desantis #Florida #fascism #StopHate #Love4All #LoveOneAnother #TearDownTheWall
#boycott #targetstores #exclusion #endableism #stophomophobia #censorship #civilrights #lgbtqrights #endbigotry #equality #inclusion #diversity #desantis #florida #fascism #stophate #love4all #loveoneanother #teardownthewall
“Fascism in Florida? - DeSantis defunds equality in education and attacks inclusion… Again.
Florida's Burgermeister, Despicable Desantis signs legislation to #defund diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at state colleges and universities. A link to Florida “Senate bill-266” is below with others regarding “Raging Ron’s” recent campaigns against personal choice. DeSantis has been very busy undermining individual freedom in many ways.
The signing of SB-266, which prohibits public universities from using state funds for (DEI) diversity, equity and inclusion programs, seems likely to effect all marginalized groups in the Sunshine State, including the #DisabilityCommunity. Will the Americans with Disabilities Act be under attack next? Will this lead to a rash of violations of the ADA?
The LGBTQIA+ community was not excluded from Florida’s acts of exclusion. Aside from SB-266, Desantis’ signing of Senate Bill 1580, allows “healthcare providers and insurers to deny a patient care on the basis of religious, moral, or ethical beliefs”. Considering the absence of morals or ethics with many, this is outright dangerous.
The bill also “bars Medical Boards from disciplining doctors for spreading misinformation”. SB-1580 also opens the door for discrimination in hiring.
Will the “religious, ethical or moral beliefs” of some providers be used to exclude individuals practicing Judaism or Islam from receiving medical treatment, as well. “Sorry, the doctor will not see you now because you are not Christian, CIS/HET, white, abled, neurotypical or a fascist“. Is this a preview of what to expect if he is elected in 2024?
Just like an annoying infomercial, “wait there’s more". A 5th grade Hernando county teacher is under state investigation for showing the Disney movie Strange World to her class, because it has a gay character. The storyline of a boy who had a crush on another boy was called “inappropriate”. Will Florida ask Disney to stop making such movies or ask them to leave the state, citing “indoctrnation" to the “woke agenda"?
Florida's economy relys heavily on tourism. There is no state income tax because of tourist spending and sales tax. Perhaps defunding Florida by vacationing elsewhere is one good way to respond. FYI, #California oranges are equally equal delicious and do not have that aftertaste of blatant bigotry. Perhaps, the state may want to consider replacing the “orange” on their license plate with another food item… a loaf of white bread.
Don't forget the ALT text.
Desantis defunds DEI:
What is SB266:
SB 266, the bill:
SB 1580, “A License to Discriminate in Healthcare":
Truthout .org on SB 1580:
Advocate .com on SB 1580:
SB 1580, the bill:
“Florida teacher investigated by DeSantis admin for showing Disney Film" (USA Today):
Disney vs DeSantis history:
Disney – DeSantis feud timeline:
Disney vs DeSantis goes to class:
#CivilRights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #EndAbleism #EndRacism #LGBTQIARights #BLM #WomensRights #EndBigotry #StopAsianHate #disability #DisabilitySolidarity #MarginalizedCommunitiesUnite #UnityConquers #equality #inclusion #diversity #TearDownTheWall #desantis #florida #fascism #StopHate #Love4All #LoveOneAnother #Hypochristians
#DEFUND #disabilitycommunity #california #civilrights #InvisibleDisabilityRights #endableism #endracism #lgbtqiarights #blm #womensrights #endbigotry #StopAsianHate #disability #DisabilitySolidarity #marginalizedcommunitiesunite #unityconquers #equality #inclusion #diversity #teardownthewall #desantis #florida #fascism #stophate #love4all #loveoneanother #hypochristians
'Komende jaren grote toename aantal asielzoekers verwacht'. Rob Voxpop (gevoelige vrouw van 74 uit Assendelft) vindt dat komende jaren grote toename aantal asielzoekers verwacht wel heavy is 😳 Maar we moeten wel blijven vibe-en met zn allen, spiritueel n stuff 🙏🌈💫 Zeg maar #love4all, yolo toch? 😜 Let's make de wereld een betere place samen 💖✌️🌍💯 #asielzoekers #peaceandlove
#peaceandlove #asielzoekers #love4all
Everyone sharing happy safe (harmless) fun, especially developing and sharing love, should be protected by law, and anyone with morals should want to encourage it as well.
We need more love and less war!
#pedo #pedosexuality #pedosexual #pedophile #pedophilia #cubrights #youthrights #zoo #zoophilia #zoophile #zoosexual #nonhumanrights #animalrights #humansareanimalstoo #sexualfreedom #sexual_freedom #sexpositive #sex_positive #sex4all #love4all
#pedo #pedosexuality #pedosexual #pedophile #pedophilia #cubrights #youthrights #zoo #zoophilia #zoophile #zoosexual #nonhumanrights #animalrights #humansareanimalstoo #sexualfreedom #sexual_freedom #sexpositive #sex_positive #sex4all #love4all
A social experiment.
👇 👇
The results are in and somewhat sad.
I did a social experiment last night: "Rolos vs IDR - Invisible Disability Rights."
I posted two pieces and the above "social experiment" toot simultaneously so they would appear on the timeline together. Links to both are below.
The score was:
Rolos 9 - IDR 1
The response for Rolo included favoring, boosting and two comments from the same Mastodonian that seemed to want to give a lesson on geometry in reference to the shape of Rolos.
Only one responce for IDR, a single boost. Thanks Jack. :solidarity:
Social change comes with support from all, abled and disabled individuals alike. As long as candy takes precedence over the abuse, mistreatment, exclusion and inequality of human beings, the future looks bleak for persons with invisible disabilities. Experiment failure.
Invisible Disability Rights are #HumanRights and #DisabilityIsDiversity
Heinous abuse of people with invisible disabilities by humanity (cw):
Rolos candy:
#equality #change #amplify #inclusion #support #listen #EndBigotry #EndAbleism #disability #MentalHealth #DevelopmentalDisabilities #IntellectualDisabilities #TBI
#DisabilitySolidarity #Love4All #DisabilityCommunity #InvisibleDisabilityRights #Legend #LoisCurtis #ElaineWilson #OlmsteadDecision #heros
@autisticadvocacy @disabilityjustice @disability
Image courtesy of
#humanrights #disabilityisdiversity #equality #change #Amplify #inclusion #support #listen #endbigotry #endableism #disability #mentalhealth #developmentaldisabilities #intellectualdisabilities #TBI #DisabilitySolidarity #love4all #disabilitycommunity #InvisibleDisabilityRights #legend #loiscurtis #elainewilson #olmsteaddecision #heros
A social experiment.
👇 👇
The results are in and somewhat sad.
I did a social experiment last night: "Rolos vs IDR - Invisible Disability Rights."
I posted two pieces and the above "social experiment" toot simultaneously so they would appear on the timeline together. Links to both are below.
The score was:
Rolos 9 - IDR 1
The response for Rolo included favoring, boosting and two comments from the same Mastodonian that seemed to want to give a lesson on geometry in reference to the shape of Rolos.
Only one responce for IDR, a single boost. Thanks Jack. :solidarity:
Social change comes with support from all, abled and disabled individuals alike. As long as candy takes precedence over the abuse, mistreatment, exclusion and inequality of human beings, the future looks bleak for persons with invisible disabilities. Experiment failure.
Invisible Disability Rights are #HumanRights and #DisabilityIsDiversity
Heinous abuse of people with invisible disabilities by humanity (cw):
Rolos candy:
#equality #change #amplify #inclusion #support #listen #EndBigotry #EndAbleism #disability #MentalHealth #DevelopmentalDisabilities #IntellectualDisabilities #TBI
#DisabilitySolidarity #Love4All #DisabilityCommunity #InvisibleDisabilityRights #Legend #LoisCurtis #ElaineWilson #OlmsteadDecision #heros
@autisticadvocacy @disabilityjustice @disability
Image courtesy of
#humanrights #disabilityisdiversity #equality #change #Amplify #inclusion #support #listen #endbigotry #endableism #disability #mentalhealth #developmentaldisabilities #intellectualdisabilities #TBI #DisabilitySolidarity #love4all #disabilitycommunity #InvisibleDisabilityRights #legend #loiscurtis #elainewilson #olmsteaddecision #heros
Bravo for this post. Ask the Rightligious Christian organization called "Sunday Breakfast Mission" and they would add isolation to the list.
One of their programs to "help" people that are poor, homeless and struggle with addiction requires participants to give up cell phones and have no contact with the outside world, including loved ones.
I guess it's easier to brainwash people that way.
#ReligiousAbuse #DisabilityEconomicJustice #InducedPoverty #control #Hypochristian #coercion #EndHomelessness #Love4All #Love2All #TearDownTheWall
#religiousabuse #disabilityeconomicjustice #inducedpoverty #control #hypochristian #coercion #endhomelessness #love4all #love2all #teardownthewall
@BogLoper Thanks for the toot. I've worked for #RefugeeAssistance on the border, I know how deep the strain of #Nazi sympathy runs amongst many #Ukrani. Dreadful, abhorrent and very, very nasty! My education + experience tells me this is a deep thread running through the whole of #MittelEuropa. From the #Baltic to the #Black #Sea. Women + children first, very unlikely whilst machine gun toting, camo wearing white faces are in the driving seat. Pox on Britania for being fooled again! #Love4All
#love4all #sea #black #baltic #mitteleuropa #ukrani #nazi #refugeeassistance
Humor with some reality. The ice cream shops first name was actually real, as was the uproar.
I was born in a very small bigoted town.
A lesbian couple opened an Ice cream shop and called it "Lickety Split" (for real).
The reverend and mayor got all the bigoted citizens up in arms to protest for the shop to change it's name.
The owners of the ice cream shop gladly obliged. They changed the name from "Lickety Split" to "The Vajay-Jay Cone - Home of the Banana-less Split"
Interesting side note. The mayor was recently busted for selling crack. (for real)
#humor #comedy #EndBigotry #LGBTQIARights #Solidarity #TearDownTheWall #Love4All
#humor #comedy #endbigotry #lgbtqiarights #solidarity #teardownthewall #love4all
My brain is not always helpful but, this flub combining two words was.
The attitude personified by lack of understanding and acceptance of people living with invisible disabilities and mental illness, that ableists and many others perpetuate.
Do you think Websters should add it to the dictionary?
Migrated reboot. #stigmatude #ableism #equality #inclusion #InvisibleDisabilities #MentalHealth #InvisibleDisabilityRights #TBI #Love4All #TearDownTheWall
#stigmatude #ableism #equality #inclusion #invisibledisabilities #mentalhealth #InvisibleDisabilityRights #TBI #love4all #teardownthewall
Sometimes the dog barks out of fear, pain and self-preservation... not agression.
#pain #loss #comfort #love #bulldog #conflict #resolution #BetterDays #SelfReflection #InvisibleDisabilities #disability #trauma #sorrow #acceptance #Learning #accommodation #gratitude #InvisibleDisabilityRights #Love2All #Love4All #MentalHealth #PositiveAttitude #healing #slowly
#pain #loss #comfort #love #bulldog #Conflict #resolution #betterdays #selfreflection #invisibledisabilities #disability #trauma #sorrow #acceptance #learning #accommodation #gratitude #InvisibleDisabilityRights #love2all #love4all #mentalhealth #positiveattitude #healing #slowly
Guardian Angel # 471 ?
I got a comment today referencing 471, which I did not fathom. Down the rabbit hole I went. Unbeknownst to me, numerology assigns numbers to angels. The comment to me was unrelated.
I am not well versed in this area but, I was comforted by what it said. A guardian angel with a message for me? That's a first, and I'll take it. Quotes and links below.
"They may be a sign from a Guardian Angel, which indicate interesting and diverse events awaiting a person in the future."
"Maybe the Guardian Angel wants to convey something with them, warn or tell about good news."
"Angel number 471 is a cue from your guardian angels that do not think much about the negative people around you..... In other words, some people are jealous of the good work you are doing, and they want to distract you ..."
Who, ME?
"Basically, it is better to be simple and live your life... Equally, don’t give up and do not change your mind ...(because of the)...negative.."
Sounds like good advice to me. Thanks, guardian angel.
#DontQuit #StayPositive #PositiveAttitude #PMA #KeepGoing #ActuallyAutistic #TBI #InvisibleDisabilityRights #disability #MentalHealth #acceptance #DisabilityCommunity #inclusion #GuardianAngel #Love4All
Main Profile:
#dontquit #staypositive #positiveattitude #PMA #keepgoing #actuallyautistic #TBI #InvisibleDisabilityRights #disability #MentalHealth #acceptance #disabilitycommunity #inclusion #guardianangel #love4all
To some DM-ers with empty profiles that seem only interested in nit-picking semantics. I am much to busy persuing "equality for all".
My only response is below.
#UnityConquers #solidarity #Love4All #EndAbleism #EndRacism #LGBTQLivesMatter #WomenRights #StopAsianHate #EndBigotry #BlackLivesMatter #Here4All
#unityconquers #solidarity #love4all #EndAbleism #endracism #lgbtqlivesmatter #WomenRights #stopasianhate #endbigotry #BlackLivesMatter #Here4All
"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.".
- Martin Luther King Jr.
A statement that has fueled me in the toughest of times.
#MLK #inspiration #CivilRights #BlackLivesMatter
#EndAbleism #EndRacism #StopHomophobes #WomensRights #StopAsianHate #EndBigotry #Here4All #Love4All #UnityConquers
#mlk #inspiration #civilrights #BlackLivesMatter #EndAbleism #endracism #stophomophobes #womensrights #stopasianhate #endbigotry #Here4All #love4all #unityconquers
Ableism is to disability as racism is to race.
Hate is hate and has no place in our world.
#Love4All #EndAbleism #EndRacism #StopHomophobes #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #StopAsianHate #EndBigotry #BlackLivesMatter #Here4All
#love4all #EndAbleism #endracism #stophomophobes #endviolenceagainstwomen #stopasianhate #endbigotry #BlackLivesMatter #Here4All
I don't hate anything, except for hate itself.
#Love4All #EndAbleism #EndRacism #StopHomophobes #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #StopAsianHate #EndBigotry #Her4All
#love4all #EndAbleism #endracism #stophomophobes #endviolenceagainstwomen #stopasianhate #endbigotry #her4all
I would like to thank #Kahnawake, the People of the Flint.
My eternal #gratitude goes out to you for allowing me to be born, and grow up on your stolen land of #Akwesasne. Thank you for all you have taught me in the Land where the Partridge Drums.
In solidarity with you, I ate grilled cheese and tomato soup with only my roomate. 😀 Not joking
Niawen'kó:wa (Thank you very much)
#LandBack #MohawkNation #FirstNations #NativeAmericans are #RealAmericans #SixNations #Indigenous #Love4All
#kahnawake #gratitude #akwesasne #Landback #mohawknation #firstnations #nativeamericans #realamericans #sixnations #indigenous #love4all
Thank you and I agree 100. I hope so too. We support all marginalized communities, as is represented in the posts on our page.
The focus is on #InvisibleDisabilities and #DisabilityEquality, but we stand with, and fight for all of us. #LGBTQIA+ #BlackLivesMatter #WomensRights #EqualPay and #EOE #SeniorRights #TransLivesMatter #LandBack and more. If I left anyone out, it's because of #disability related #fog. Please let me know, nicely, so we can include you as well. #Love4All
#invisibledisabilities #disabilityequality #lgbtqia #BlackLivesMatter #womensrights #EqualPay #eoe #seniorrights #TransLivesMatter #Landback #disability #fog #love4all