First Minister @humzayousaf was all ๐ฅ up speaking about an independent Scotland in the EU today ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ ๐ช๐บ
#March4IndyandEU #MarchforIndyandEU #YesScots #scottishindependence #IndyRef #IndyRef2 #Independence #ScotPol #LoveEU #YesforEU #YesforIndy @BelieveinScotland
#yesforindy #yesforeu #loveEU #scotpol #independence #indyref2 #indyref #scottishindependence #YesScots #marchforindyandeu #march4indyandeu
A joyful, large gathering in support of an independent Scotland in the EU ๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ณ๓ ฃ๓ ด๓ ฟ ๐ช๐บ ๐
The sunshine, speeches, pipes, and atmosphere today were great ๐ โ๏ธ ๐
Thanks @yesforeu @BelieveinScotland for organising this large event in Edinburgh.
#MarchforIndyandEU #March4IndyandEU #YesScots #YesScotland #Independence #scottishindependence #IndyRef #IndyRef2 #Scotland #ScotPol #LoveEU #european #YesforEU #BelieveinScotland #Solidarity
#solidarity #BelieveinScotland #yesforeu #european #loveEU #scotpol #scotland #indyref2 #indyref #scottishindependence #independence #YesScotland #YesScots #march4indyandeu #marchforindyandeu
@lobbycontrol wenn man bedenkt dass in jedem System x % korrupt sind hรคtte es mich mehr gewundert wenn dieser Skandal nicht an die รffentlichkeit gelangt wรคre. Warum also jetzt die Aufregung? Das Parlament soll einfach geltendes Recht durchsetzen, ggf. auch dieses anpassen. Es wird nie und nirgens Menschen geben die frei von Gier sind und keine Vorteilsnahme im Amt begehen. Weder in Politik noch in Wirtschaft noch in der Gesellschaft. #Europa #loveEU
#NewHere so here are some things I like/support: #astronomy #astrophysics #running #ParkRun #science #SciPolicy #stem #bbc #OpenUniversity #SciFi #Humanism #CurlyHair #piano #choir #lgbt #pilates #juggling #puzzles #ProVax #CovidIsAirborne #ClimateChangeIsReal #ProChoice #OpenScience #EOSC #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python #CitizenScience #Zooniverse #chess #ProportionalRepresentation #ProgressiveAlliance #LoveEU #RejoinEU #HigherEducation #JWST #ESA #NASA #coffee #cheese #adventure
#adventure #cheese #coffee #NASA #esa #jwst #highereducation #RejoinEU #loveEU #ProgressiveAlliance #proportionalrepresentation #chess #zooniverse #citizenscience #Python #datascience #machinelearning #EOSC #openscience #prochoice #climatechangeisreal #COVIDisAirborne #provax #puzzles #juggling #pilates #lgbt #choir #piano #curlyhair #humanism #scifi #openuniversity #bbc #stem #scipolicy #science #parkrun #running #astrophysics #astronomy #newhere