Ich kann nicht schlafen, weil mein Nachbar die Musik so laut hat, aber ich will auch nichts sagen, denn da ist gerade mit der Freundin Schluss. (Hmm vielleicht #lovethyneighbour?)
If you communicate with those you #love in a way that is not secure and #private then you are, not only failing to love, but abusing that person.
It's private moments that matter.
Leaking #privateMoments to transnationals such as #CAGEFAM* is #abuse. Acting as a parent, guardian or elder and doing so is #childAbuse.
You understand this… now #love — and love thy neighbour.
#communication #loveThyNeighbour
* M includes Microsoft partner, Akamai
#love #private #privateMoments #cageFam #abuse #childabuse #communication #loveThyNeighbour