"Everlasting Love" is a song written by #BuzzCason and #MacGayden, originally a 1967 hit for #RobertKnight and since remade numerous times, most successfully by #LoveAffair, as well as #TownCriers, #RexSmith & #RachelSweet, #CarlCarlton, #SandraCretu, and #GloriaEstefan. The original version of "Everlasting Love" was recorded by Knight in Nashville, with Cason and Gayden aiming to produce it in a #Motown style reminiscent of the #FourTops and #theTemptations.
#buzzcason #macgayden #robertknight #loveaffair #towncriers #rexsmith #rachelsweet #carlcarlton #sandracretu #gloriaestefan #motown #fourtops #thetemptations
I love streetphotography. Because when I looked at this photo a little closer, a story unfolded. Purely accidential.
#amwriting #lgbtq #lovestory #loveaffair #poetry
If your Valentines Day was sort of blah just remember, “There are plenty of fish in the sea” or as we say in Hebrew “There is a lid for every pot” 😊❤️
#hebrewbyinbal #plentyoffishinthesea #hebrew #plentyoffish #love #loveaffair #findlove #hopefloats #lids #pots #Fediverse #Mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#hebrewbyinbal #plentyoffishinthesea #hebrew #plentyoffish #love #loveaffair #findlove #hopefloats #lids #pots #fediverse #mastodon #mazeldon #jewdiverse
#loveaffair 之前认为伴侣的存在的意义是"无限宠爱"。如果定义一下,大概是照顾好各方面的情绪。但情绪背后的判断可能是不合理的。比如你希望他眼中只有你,包容你,但现实就是你无法永远保持各方面好或对。所以无限宠爱和现实本就是相悖的,相悖意味着可以一时偏心,但无法久经考验。这时候就要问了,伴侣的存在意义到底是什么?