imparare ad amare gli animali fin da bambini
#fattoriadidattica #fattoria #didattica #ottoprati #bimbi #bambini #loveanimals #cute #animali #love #foryou #fyp #vita #baby #pulcini #animals
#fattoriadidattica #fattoria #didattica #ottoprati #bimbi #bambini #loveanimals #cute #animali #love #foryou #fyp #vita #baby #pulcini #animals
Forwarded from NACJONALISTYCZNY ZBROJNY OPÓR ✊🏻 216 Graffiti. Woda dla jeży i innych zwierzy latem szczególnie się należy! 🙂🦔☀️🌡🥵Jak co roku pamiętajcie wystawiać na osiedlach miseczki z wodą za dnia jak i wieczorami 💚#Wodadlajeży #Lato #Hedgehogs #Loveanimals
#wodadlajezy #lato #hedgehogs #loveanimals
Tomorrow morning my wife and I are taking our oldest cat Nolla to the Vet for her last visit. Sadly it is not cheap to put a beloved pet down. Thankfully GoodVets in Streeterville is going to work with us and help us pay it over time. It’s about $500 to send a cat to the #RainbowBridge #Chicago #CatDaddy #LoveAnimals #GoodVets #Uptown #Streeterville
#rainbowbridge #chicago #catdaddy #loveanimals #goodvets #uptown #streeterville
My two precious seniors, Topper & Bunny, proving all the time that love is universal and something all creatures great and small are capable of 🥺❤️🫂🫏🐎
#horse #horses #seniorhorse #donkey #donkeys #seniordonkey #animalsinlove #animallover #loveanimals #allcreaturesgreatandsmall #seniorpets #farmlife #loveisuniversal #asstodon
#horse #horses #seniorhorse #donkey #donkeys #seniordonkey #animalsinlove #animallover #loveanimals #allcreaturesgreatandsmall #seniorpets #farmlife #loveisuniversal #asstodon
"Animal shelters overflowing as cost-of-living pressures prompt record pet surrenders" - Penny Travers and Ethan French
There are several sad issues that come up when it comes to articles like this:
1. A search of "animal shelter" on the #ABC website shows this article gets written up again and again, showing the problem is not a one off but ongoing.
2. It is ongoing because #PuppyFarms / #PuppyMills AND #Breeders are part of the problem. They are constantly producing animals (#cats and #dogs and I am sure many other animals), and charging people thousands of dollars.
3. People are treating these animals as objects, as things, as status symbols, not as complex individuals with their own desires and needs.
4. Every time you buy a dog from a breeder or a farm, you sentence a poor dog or cat to an early death because they didn't get a second chance.
5. A lot of the people giving up their pets for stupid reasons (as described in the article) probably #LoveAnimals too. 🤯😞
I respect the legitimate reasons of having to 'let go' of their pets, such as a war, or being kicked out of your home and the new place doesn't allow pets, but to drop off a poor cat or dog after a year or two because you need to go on a holiday is pure selfishness.
#Vegan #Vegans #Veganism #GoVegan #VeganForTheAnimals #AnimalRights
#abc #puppyfarms #puppymills #breeders #cats #dogs #loveanimals #vegan #vegans #veganism #govegan #VeganForTheAnimals #animalrights
Dang! Could you refuse those beautiful blue eyes anything?
#LoveDogs #loveanimals #lovenature
I love the birds in the trees outside my windows — I love that they are free; that no one is killing them for dinner. 🦜♥️🦜♥️🦜✌️
✨{Original Image: László on Pixabay.}✨
#Birds #Trees #LoveAnimals #PlantEater #Love #Peace #Freedom
#Freedom #Peace #love #planteater #loveanimals #Trees #Birds
My loyal, little #cat family.
I witnessed them come to this world, grow and thrive.
They are all neutered, well fed, healthy and happy.
#loveanimals #rescuecat #cats #catsofmastodon
#catsofmastodon #cats #rescuecat #loveanimals #cat
Hello. I've been following you. Would you please consider following me? Thank you. #Environmentalist #Progressive #Politics #LoveAnimals
#environmentalist #progressive #politics #loveanimals
Instead of "counting sheep", for a calming activity, you can watch the Live Cam of the sheep barn at Farm Sanctuary:
"Farm Sanctuary fights the disastrous effects of animal agriculture on animals, the environment, social justice, and public health through rescue, education, and advocacy.”
#planteater #loveanimals #FarmSanctuary
Just a black cat in a box. All boxes belong to cats. They don't really care what comes in them, just that the box is theirs.
“To love animals is to accept the chaotic presence of other lives.” The entire book, of something 400 and more pages, can go down to this beautiful phrase. #HenryMance, thank you for the great book.
#book #reading #vegan #vegetarian #loveanimals
#henrymance #book #reading #vegan #vegetarian #loveanimals
Vegan Mac & Cheese
#LoveAnimals #FriendsNotFood #GoVegan #Vegan #PlantBased #Veganism #Veganforlife #VeganForTheAnimals #AllAnimalsAreEqual #DontKillAnimals #Animals #AnimalRights #ahimsa #dharma
#loveanimals #friendsnotfood #GoVegan #vegan #plantbased #veganism #veganforlife #VeganForTheAnimals #allanimalsareequal #dontkillanimals #animals #animalrights #ahimsa #dharma
Take the 7-day Vegan Challenge!
#LoveAnimals #FriendsNotFood #GoVegan #Vegan #PlantBased #Veganism #Veganforlife #VeganForTheAnimals #AllAnimalsAreEqual #DontKillAnimals #Animals #AnimalRights #ahimsa #dharma
#loveanimals #friendsnotfood #GoVegan #vegan #plantbased #veganism #veganforlife #VeganForTheAnimals #allanimalsareequal #dontkillanimals #animals #animalrights #ahimsa #dharma
You looking at me? We were picking berries a few summers ago and this cow got very suspicious. 😄
Today Parliament debates a ban on the use of snares in Britain 👏 This is a direct result of our government petition, signed by over 100,000 people! It's time for Britain to #BanSnares for good 🦊 🐰
#BanCruelSnares #Snares #TimeForChange #Wildlife #LoveAnimals #BeKind #2023
#bansnares #bancruelsnares #snares #timeforchange #wildlife #loveanimals #bekind
Animals think, feel emotions and form bonds, just like humans 💚
Don't mistreat animals, or pay for others to do it 🙏
👉 Help support our nonprofit and our global activism projects:
#veganfta #animalrights #animals #socialjustice #loveanimals
#veganfta #animalrights #animals #socialjustice #loveanimals