Natura è tutto quello che sappiamo senza avere la capacità di dirlo, tanto impotente è la nostra sapienza a confronto della sua semplicità.
#autumnal #fall🍁 #autumndays #autumn🍁 #autumncolors #autumnweather #fallingleaves #loveautumn
#loveautumn #fallingleaves #autumnweather #autumncolors #autumn #autumndays #fall #autumnal
Stunning couple of hours in the #salopobs garden first thing with 9,480 #vismig Woodpigeons, 520 Fieldfares, 2 Dunlin, Goshawk and 3 Pintail, garden tick 140! 💥 #loveautumn 🧡
Stunning couple of hours in the #salopobs garden first thing with 9,480 #vismig Woodpigeons, 520 Fieldfares, 2 Dunlin, Goshawk and 3 Pintail, garden tick 140! 💥 #loveautumn 🧡
What a lovely afternoon for a #dogwalk in the local #copse. #loveautumn #lovesussex
(Dog however refusing to pose, too many smells)
#dogwalk #copse #loveautumn #lovesussex
My pet enjoying the beautiful autumn day with leaves all around!!!
#doglover #labrador #lovemydog #loveautumn
#doglover #labrador #lovemydog #loveautumn