#Pride banners put up in #Langford were #vandalized less than a day after they were first installed 🤬
#yyj #VictoriaBC #vanisle #VancouverIsland #HateHasNoPlace #SupportLGBTQ2 #LoveBeatsHate #PrideMonth #BigotsArentOK
#pride #Langford #vandalized #yyj #victoriabc #vanisle #vancouverisland #hatehasnoplace #supportlgbtq2 #lovebeatshate #pridemonth #bigotsarentok
(James Demers is an #activist who helped with the rally. #ReadingWithRoyalty - he said, has been running for 5 years without problems.
“This is a #postCOVID impact,” suggested Demers. “These people are looking for community, they found it over COVID #protesting and we have become the target.”)
#Calgary #Alberta #LGBTQ #HumanRights #StopBigotry #Canada #DragStorytime #LoveBeatsHate #KindnessBeatsCruelty
#activist #readingwithroyalty #PostCovid #protesting #calgary #alberta #lgbtq #humanrights #stopbigotry #canada #DragStoryTime #lovebeatshate #kindnessbeatscruelty
Made as a mockery by a right wing bigot. Shared with pride because I think it looks awesome. Happy wokemass everyone. Hope your snowfolk are as awesome as this. #Lovebeatshate