Under the theme “Bee engaged in pollinator-friendly agricultural production”, #WorldBeeDay2023 calls for global action to support pollinator-friendly agricultural production and highlights the importance of protecting bees and other pollinators, particularly through evidence-based agricultural production practices.
#polinators #beelove #pollinatorfriendly #beelife #pollinators #beesarelife #lovebees #ilovebees #bees
#worldbeeday2023 #polinators #beelove #pollinatorfriendly #beelife #pollinators #beesarelife #lovebees #ilovebees #bees
Some 1.75 million #bees from #NewZealand are #acclimatizing to #Canada 's #climate on a farm in #NorthOyster #Vancouver Island.
The #imported bees have been added to a range of domestic #hives in the #CowichanValley , bringing the total to number of bees in the region to 3.5 million.
#vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #pollinators #NoBeesNoLife #NoBeesNoFood #SaveBees #BritishColumbia #Canada #beekeepers #BeesAreImportant #LoveBees #HelpBees #PlantAPollinatorGarden
#bees #newzealand #acclimatizing #canada #climate #northoyster #vancouver #imported #hives #cowichanvalley #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #pollinators #nobeesnolife #nobeesnofood #SaveBees #britishcolumbia #beekeepers #beesareimportant #lovebees #helpbees #plantapollinatorgarden