Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
16 followers · 71 posts · Server

Beware the , , "let's be friends," "I just want to " trojan horse. To quote Admiral Akbar, "It's a trap!"

Also, beware of cats bearing gifts ;)

#valentinesday #hoover #lovebomb #coparent #abusehasnogender #npd #bpd #hpd #narcissist #borderline #histrionic

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
10 followers · 44 posts · Server

Dating a wo/man who turns out to be a , , or
B variety pack is like a reverse Scooby Doo villain mask reveal. In other words, a mask of normalcy
hides the predator just beneath the surface of the fake persona. Ruh roh!

When the , , reveals their true nature, believe it. Don't rationalize, deny and make excuses for their atrocious behavior. That's called .

Emotionally and psychologically mature adults know the difference between right and wrong -- and not just how it applies to how they're treated by others. Grown-ups take personal / for their words and actions, don't play when they experience consequences. They also actually give a damn about how their choices affect others especially the people they love.

On a miscellaneous note, seeing Scooby Doo through the eyes of an adult I'm now convinced Scooby Snacks are edibles.

On an miscellaneous separate note, Scrappy Doo ruined Scooby Doo.

#narcissist #borderline #histrionic #cluster #lovebomb #bpd #npd #hpd #enabling #responsibility #accountability #victim #thatsnotnormal #abusehasnogender

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
10 followers · 43 posts · Server

There’s a big difference between being and feeling all alone. Typically, clients often feel less lonely/all alone as singles than when with their exes. That’s because you are alone in a relationship with a , , or .

Alone in effort, peace-keeping, problem-solving, etc. Your needs, feelings and wants don’t matter. You only exist as an ego-gratifying object and scapegoat. Presumably, you’re also all alone in terms of emotional and psychological maturity, empathy, accountability, integrity and conscience. In some ways, you’re the single parent of an angry, cruel, selfish, pathologically dishonest, destructive adult toddler you can’t put in timeout. In this respect, I agree that being a single parent of an adult toddler is the toughest job there is ; )

Why are you all alone in a relationship with a , , ?

1) The version of them at the beginning of the relationship wasn’t real. It’s a patchwork of , , , via and .

2) It’s impossible for an adult to have an equal/equitable partnership with a child. This includes the of the variety pack. They don’t want a partner; they want enablers. Even if you enable like an Olympic champion-level doormat/nanny/ego fluffer, they’ll eventually resent you for that, too. And then, the more you enable them – which is super unhealthy, btw – the worse they treat you.

3) Relationships with BPD/NPD/HPD aren’t two-way streets (i.e., mutual and reciprocal). They’re one-way streets paved with double standards. These individuals are pathologically self-absorbed and selfish.

4) After the stage, you become a screen onto which they all of their flaws and psychological sewage. Objective reality is irrelevant.

You are alone in these relationships because you never really existed to them in the first place. Meaning, they never really appreciate a partner for who they truly are. But rather how willing you are to:

- Tolerate abuse and exploitation.
- them.
- Sacrifice/care for them without getting anything in return.
- Never hold them accountable.

Basically, any , trauma bond/ / / / will do.

Therefore, isn’t it better to be alone than to feel all alone in a ? Or, to be alone rather than wish you were alone? Table for one, please!

#alone #narcissist #borderline #histionic #psychopath #intimacy #bpd #npd #hpd #lovebomb #idealization #mirroring #projection #traumabonding #intensity #bullshit #adulttoddler #clusterb #lovebombing #project #enable #codependent #repetitioncompulsion #peoplepleaser #fixer #resuer #toxicrelationship #abusehasnogender #themoreyouknow

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
8 followers · 38 posts · Server

There are no "versions." It's all the same person.

Furthermore, the , , , variety pack is exactly the same person on the day the relationship ends as on the day the relationship began.

Initially, these individuals often hide their true nature. In other words, you meet the -. Choosing to pretend to be someone they are not seems to indicate some degree of awareness that others would reject (or revile) them if they revealed the angry, bitter, self-pitying shitshow up front.

#borderline #narcissist #histrionic #clusterb #falseself #lovebomb #adulttoddler #bpd #npd #hpd #abusehasnogender

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott Moore · @awedjob
53 followers · 1628 posts · Server

I am going to release a new soon. What message would you like me to include in its payload?

Watch “Love Bomb” on Vimeo:


Last updated 7 years ago