Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Especially those who, like mine, lift up and encourage their daughters to believe they can do anythiing they put their mind to and that nothing is closed to them. Sadly my dad never got to see any of my books published, but his spirit has always been with me and always will. Love you Dad!! #fathersday #lovedad
I got SO EXCITED about Fremantle Press’s upcoming release of my pal Laurie Steed’s memoir, #LoveDad, that I made a little book promo about it. https://www.tiktok.com/@katelarsenkeys/video/7213570379384769793
You can register for updates on his confessions of an anxious father at https://fremantlepress.com.au/books/love-dad-confessions-of-an-anxious-father/
#Father #Fathers #Fatherhood #FremantlePress #BookReview #BookRecommendation #BookRec #WeNeedDiverseBooks #DiversifyYourBookshelves
#lovedad #father #fathers #fatherhood #fremantlepress #bookreview #bookrecommendation #bookrec #weneeddiversebooks #diversifyyourbookshelves
Wednesday was one of the happiest parts of my trip home: matching tattoos for me and my sister me. That’s Dad’s signature from a letter he sent me when Kaelin was 3 months old (and i was 30) hoping that I would love her as much as he did. And letting me know that he would always love me even with her in his life. He always made sure we knew he loved us both.
#grief #tattoo #memorial #lovedad