When a friend says something like this: "I saw this, thought of you, and I KNEW I had to get it for you because I KNEW you had to have it." No special occasion, no reason at all, just someone on the planet who has come to know and SEE you and thought of you at a random moment and then made your day with a totally out of the blue and unexpected PERFECT gift.

That happened to me on Friday when my sweet friend Gale KnifeChief gave me this shirt after class and she was beaming when she announced the sentiment I stated above..."Saw this...thought of you...HAD to get it for you." These "FOR NO SPECIFIC REASON" gifts always make my day (my week even!) I wore this shirt to class yesterday and everyone who saw it, apparently agrees with Gale...I DID need this shirt and it maybe WAS made for me! 😂😁

Thank you Gale. I just REALLY REALLY REALLY to infinity love it!


#lovedjembe #djembe #friends #drummergirl #drumfriends #unexpectedgift

Last updated 2 years ago