I’ve just blogged……..'Trying to help someone with their mental health: a tough, sometimes, helpless journey.'
#therapy #therapist #counsellor #wellbeing #mentalhealth #psychotherapist #empathy #quiet #lovedones
#lovedones #quiet #empathy #psychotherapist #mentalhealth #wellbeing #counsellor #therapist #therapy
Keep it a secret 😏 - United24Media
"Plans Love Silence"
"There will be no start announcement"
- Ministry of Defense Ukraine
#ukraine #counteroffensive #lovedones #mod #pls
900,000 #NewYorkers Lost at Least 3 #LovedOnes to #Covid. And nearly one in four #NewYorkers lost at least one person close to them, according to a newly released survey. The toll was even higher among #PeopleofColor - I do not live in NY, and lost 2 - sure that you may have as well. #Covid is #NotOver. Free link to the NYT article https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/05/nyregion/new-york-covid-losses.html?unlocked_article_code=RePf_GqJyCz3j-RxNutAeIyB_XDETthdvD5Tv4BWjxxIzC2OLYTLEn4Ds8dGkBB4n2YDVfBr2RYuVNJ-chItBSUkY8vay-EQm2nhd67r1OolBrcXc2la-TiXel0kHDnSh1uWCOv3jH4b87pcVaDhzDJmRhGajq2LOBUrRdyyuUzVdvW4WUPWJQfjgYcuOYrrWgyGGP5xBzQvze5On79SiWSJkOA78eKLUnY555hpMCJOHtLBsQCZQ84XpVatwrlyvXhu26LxC5kszMiOEgtigNqk78vpEY0gFW56yh2y1WE1ly0r5uP3YF3dsVEblZ-8VHiN1PLCNjNPMEn9fq6h08g&smid=url-share
#newyorkers #lovedones #covid #PeopleofColor #notover
Covid: Not even once.
This is an excellent #article that should be shared with our #coworkers and #lovedones. We have to collectively understand the realities of Covid and Long Covid, and get on the same page!
#novid #covid #longCovid #awareness
#covidIsNotOver #wearAMast
#article #coworkers #lovedones #novid #covid #longcovid #awareness #covidisnotover #wearamast
Good morning, Bore da, Buongiorno.
This morning I am remembering my lovely sister-in-law who died a year ago today on her birthday. We ended up living in different countries from each other but talked at least once a week. We had adventures together when we were young. I thought I'd still have her for a long time especially after losing her brother, my late husband. She was with me at her brother's funeral. Fly free Anna.
#mastodon #fediverse #LindaSgoluppiArt #lovedones #loss
#GiftArticle about #Crafters #aroundTheWorld who #finishProjects started by folks who have #died or become #incapacitated #illness
#knitting #crocheting #quilting #unfinishedProjects #UFOs #lovedOnes #handiwork #laborOfLove #goodGuys #DoTheRightThing
#giftarticle #crafters #aroundtheworld #finishprojects #died #incapacitated #illness #looseends #knitting #crocheting #quilting #unfinishedprojects #ufos #lovedones #handiwork #laboroflove #goodguys #dotherightthing
In the Star Wars universe, it's important to have life insurance to protect your loved ones from financial hardship. You never know when you'll have to outmaneuver a group of pursuing Stormtroopers or TIE fighters. #lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #stormtroopers #tiefighters
#lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #stormtroopers #tiefighters
In the Star Wars universe, it's important to have life insurance to protect your loved ones from financial hardship. Even the toughest Wookiee can't withstand a blaster attack. #lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #wookiee #blaster
#lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #wookiee #blaster
Even the most skilled pilots need life insurance. Protect your loved ones with the right coverage. #lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #pilots #lovedones #coverage
#lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #pilots #lovedones #coverage
In the Star Wars universe, it's important to have life insurance to protect your loved ones from financial hardship. You never know when you'll have to outmaneuver a group of pursuing Stormtroopers. #lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #stormtroopers
#lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #stormtroopers
Even the most skilled pilots need life insurance. Protect your loved ones with the right coverage. #lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #pilots #lovedones #coverage
#lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #pilots #lovedones #coverage
In the Star Wars universe, it's important to have life insurance to protect your loved ones from financial hardship. Even the toughest Wookiee can't withstand a crash with a Star Destroyer. #lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #wookiee #stardestroyer
#lifeinsurance #protection #starwars #lovedones #financialhardship #wookiee #stardestroyer
The news of the death of the firefighter and the news of the worker crushed to death in London bring home the #fragility of life. Two people just going to work and never coming home.
RIP gentlemen. Sincere condolences to their families and friends.
Always kiss your loved ones.
#Life #goodbyes #LovedOnes #Kiss
#fragility #Life #goodbyes #lovedones #Kiss
The morning after...
One of the nice things about being housed is that we can have people over and share times with loved ones. Last night we did, with family and friends and Cards Against Humanity.
So we entered 2023 well. I pray you did as well.
#nye #newyear #party #lovedones #housed #nothomeless #androidphotography #stilllife #stilllifephotography #columbiapa #columbiapaphotographer #lancasterpa #lancasterpaphotographer #pennsylvania #pennsylvaniaphotographer
Today marks the one year anniversary of my brother Kenny's passing. When he was born the docs said he would live three days at most. Ended up proving them wrong by over 45 years thanks to my parent's tremendous care. Though severely disabled he nonetheless touched the lives of thousands. I worry most for my father who still carries a huge load of grief.
If you don't mind, give someone a hug today in memory of Kenny.
#lovedones #disability #anniversary #remembrance
Present Christmas - A Poem
#PoetryCommunity #Poem #Poetry #PoetryLovers #Poemsociety #PoetrySociety #WritingCommunity #AmWriting #Christmas #HolidaySeason #Holidays #Family #LovedOnes #Friends #Winter #FestiveSeason #ChristmasSeason
#poetrycommunity #poem #poetry #poetrylovers #poemsociety #poetrysociety #writingcommunity #amwriting #christmas #HolidaySeason #holidays #family #lovedones #friends #winter #festiveseason #christmasseason
Via my interfaith ministry account (Your Mythic Life)-- This holiday season and its memories can be difficult. May you feel the love of those you've lost shining down upon you, and may you feel peace.
So, for anyone missing someone: “Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.” ~Inuit Proverb
#Holidays #Christmas #Yule #Hanukkah #Kwanzaa #loss #memories #LovedOnes #interfaith #pagan #heathen #interfaithheathen
#interfaithheathen #heathen #pagan #interfaith #lovedones #memories #loss #Kwanzaa #hanukkah #yule #christmas #holidays
My late husband's sister died on her birthday in March this year. I miss her so much. tears fell last night when I had a photo of her grave (Which in Italy) decorated by her son. he had played Elvis songs there for her. This morning I'm thinking of the pranks we got up to. Maybe old now but we weren't always! 😅 #JoinIn #Christmas #Winter #Holidays #Mastodon #Fediverse #Peace #LovedOnes
#JoinIn #christmas #winter #holidays #mastodon #fediverse #peace #lovedones
Remembering a pre-pandemic visit by Great-Aunt Carol from Philly. At our favorite Italian restaurant she ordered, “I’ll have a walnut salad without the walnuts.” When it arrived she burst out, (in a very nasally Philly accent) “WHAT?? IT’S ONLY LETTUCE!?!?!” Every once in a while we still imitate that and crack ourselves up.
#Memories #LovedOnes
RT @DennisKBerlin@twitter.com
Ehrliche Farben - Ehrliche Mischungen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DennisKBerlin/status/1595377920847011842