@cautionarytale work is: Rewarding and fulfilling when approached with a positive frame of view. Nobody likes menial tasks but everyone should understand that those tasks have to be accomplished by someone and the people taking on that role are benefitting all others. If for no other reason than saving them from having to do them.

#positivity #passiton #lovelife #youareimportant #nosmalljobs #loveeveryone

Last updated 1 year ago

Progress is an interesting journey. My mum is going for her first operation (seriously minor) and is preparing as though it’s a major deal, cutting her hair, steam cleaning carpets, updating her will (always good to do) and generally terrified. It’s hard for her. But it’s also because she has also avoided Dr like a plague for over 40 years. So now she’s dealing, processing emotions and learning a heap all at once. And in a funny way it made me think of conservatives who avoid everything outside their society without ever learning or adapting to new ideas. It must be seriously hard for them when they haven’t allowed themselves to progress. They’re generally horrible in their view’s but I imagine this is why. It’s another good reason to travel and step outside your condo zone.

#loveeveryone #progressive #kindnessforall

Last updated 1 year ago