As we close out #LoveFestFebruary I will be moving into #TheMarchofOscar tomorrow. Normally I talk about the genres and subgenres I will feature for the month but not this time. I will be discussing any film nominated for any category. Technically the Academy nominates films in all genres but you will find very few sci-fi or comedy films or women led or people of color led films. It’s kind of getting better. Being inclusive is not about inclusion for inclusions sake. It’s about recognizing exceptional work from all communities including marginalized ones instead if burying it like they have been to elevate films that should not be there but are anyway for virtue of being cis white male. Yeah I said it out loud. So I will be featuring a few outright snubs too. There are some extraordinary films that have been nominated but many WTF films which of course I will feature on WTFWednesday, I’m looking at you English Patient. I gotta say though that Wednesday will be kind of full for the next month. So please like, share and subscribe. #TheMarchofOscar #Film #Films #Movie #Movies #FilmFan #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #themarchofoscar #film #films #movie #movies #filmfan #cinema
West Side Story (2021 US) Directed by Steven Spielberg. Don't get me wrong the 1957 Robert Wise version is just stunning too. I just liked the updated version. My first thought upon hearing about this film is why would you want to remake such a classic, but I'm glad I watched it. Spielberg did a great job with all aspects but the casting really caught my eye. Triple threat Rachel Zegler as Maria just knocked it out of the park. Oh and those dresses. Spielberg does a great job of heartfelt movies and this was no exception. I'm not a big fan of musicals but I really loved this one and also Hamilton. Spielberg really utilized lens flares here. Star Trek has gone nuts with lens flares so I'm a bit overloaded with them but it worked well for him. I was watching a documentary of the filming of this. The school dance scene looked particularly hard to shoot with sooo much going on so it took awhile.
Rita Moreno was cast in a matronly role and acted as an anchor on the film. She was even listed as an Executive Producer.
It received a ton of accolades, nominations and wins from various academies. West Side Story was released in 2021 just as things were opening up after Covid. It did not do so well as people were still huddled in their houses. It went to streaming and is still there and sits at a loss with a 300 million dollar budget. Find it on HBO, Disney and Amazon. Also its available to rent on most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #film #films #Movies #cinema #cinemastodon
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #movies #cinema #cinemastodon
Posting to day from my blog. I have a bit more room #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movies #Cinema #cinemastodon
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movies #cinema #cinemastodon
A Guy Named Joe (1943 US) a bomber pilot is killed in action and is assigned to be the guardian Angel of the man courting his “woman”. Btw she is also a pilot and a really good one. Spencer Tracy and Irene Dunne star in this Oscar winning drama that was the basis of the film Aways (1989). TBH Spencer Tracy was an arse hat through most of the film but pulled it together in the third act which you will need your tissue box for. Don’t mess with WWII women. Oh this assignment is too dangerous? You just sit right my dear and I will bomb the German munitions dump for you. Tracy was there with her as a ghost trying to talk her out of it but kinda changed his tune after she pulled it off quite easily. Producers put some cash into this cuz the aerial photography was quite grand. Although, some of it is screen background quite a bit was cameras in the air. The models they built to blow up were quite good too. Find it on HBO or to rent in most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Good Manners (2017 BR) it’s #FemaleFilmmakerFriday and todays entry is this romance/horror/fantasy written and directed by Juliana Rojas and Marco Futra. Thanks to SaltiredPopcorn for this tip. Whoever said that women filmmakers are all puppies and rainbows is categorically wrong. A nurse (sort of) takes a job looking after a pregnant single woman. They start falling for each other until.,, this was really a unique film. It deviated from the 3 act structure that is dominating the industry. It had 2 acts and each act was quite different, The 3 act structure is meant to be a tool not a law punishable by death so it was quite refreshing to see a different structure. Like most horror there was social commentary. This one had much going on: race, gender and class. It kinda reminded me a bit of Jordan Peeles work in the US. The film especially the second half was uncomfortable by design. I was not that uncomfortable though. I watched Border and Old Boy without a warning. Thanks Josh. Ms. Rojas you can’t break me I’m already broken. Find it on Tubi for free. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#femalefilmmakerfriday #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Entergalactic (2022 US) Based on themes in the music of Kid Kudi this highly stylized animated romance drama also features the songs of Kudi. An Artist moves into a Manhattan apartment and falls in love with his photographer neighbor. Both of them must have been doing good to afford an apartment in Manhattan. The script was solid relationship drama but not particularly stand out. OH but the animation and artwork was just stunning. Every scene was a beautiful tableau that the master of Mis En Scene, Miyazaki, would be envious of. The artists were particularly adept at movement and color. I thought at first it was rotoscoping a live image because the movement looked so natural, but nope. This was good old fashion talent and no doubt worked off of models. I just loved the color work in this. The soundtrack by Kudi was outstanding and gave the film an extra layer. In fact the animation, color and sound all added to a layered experience to enjoy. Its a Netflix original and should be available in all regions. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies# #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Border (2018 SW) From the writer of Let The Right One In (John Ajvide Lindqvist) comes this bonkers love story of Border Agent Tina and drifter Vore. I have decided this belongs in the #ShitMyEyesAreBuring box but not in the #WTFWednesday box and here is why. Blue Lagoon takes your hand and guides you into a decency void that nobody belongs in. This film does not take your hand and guide you into anything except a relationship drama. You go to weird ass places all by yourself. When you do realize your own inherent sensibilities that help you navigate the day told you to turn left into a muddy field, you get kinda salty. This film gave audiences a significant reaction. That takes talent both in directing and writing. I challenge you to challenge your own software and watch this with an eye on how you feel and why you feel that way. Another standout of this film is make up. These two actors look nothing like this photo. Find it on Hulu and Amazon and for rent on most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#shitmyeyesareburing #wtfwednesday #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Its #WTFWednesday and todays entry is a Blizzard warning in Southern California. WTF!! Besides that there is Blue Lagoon (1980 US) Not only does this fit into WTFWednesday but also #ShitMyEyesAreBurning. Cousins, about 8 years old, get shipwrecked on an island and left trying to figure out survival and their own sexuality. Ultimately, they have a baby. Brook Shields was 14 when this was made. Who tf thought this was a good idea? Shields recently said on her podcast that this film would not get made today. Oh, Honey I didn't even want to put up most of the screen shots of the film. I don't want the God damn FBI breaking down my door cuz I have child porn on my computer. The BTS stories are even more problematic as the film. Where were the adults on the island? Rotten Tomatoes has given it an 8% rating. What I want to know is who those 8% are? This film seriously needs to be scrubbed and shot into the sun. What's even more revolting is it made money and spawned sequels. Before this Shields played a 12 year old prostitute in Pretty Baby (1978 US). This film featured nude scenes of Shields and critics defended it as art and not child porn. I honestly hope that this type of film never gets made again. Please don't watch it. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#wtfwednesday #shitmyeyesareburning #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Loving (2016 US) Ruth Negga and Joel Edgerton star in this Bio pic romance depicting Richard and Mildred Loving. For those that don’t remember or live outside the US this is the couple who were arrested in Virginia for having an interracial marriage. They sued and the case went to the US Supreme Court in Loving vs Virginia. In 1967 the court sided with the couple and interracial marriage became legal. I’m a big fan of Ruth Negga and she really did an outstanding job in this. The costumes also really stand out. I love biopics and what I loved about this was it depicted a loving relationship, not without its problems, but strong enough to overcome some very difficult intrusions in their lives. I could only imagine being arrested for something humans are hard wired to do, pair up. Ultimately, their bond made the lives of others so much better. Find it on Netflix and available to rent on most streaming platforms. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Amelie (2001 FR) A woman who spends most of her day in her own head and making other peoples lives better, finds love for herself. This is such an endearing film. It was shot all over Paris with 80 different locations to make it feel like you are there. Director Jean Pierre Jeunet did a great job capturing Audrey Tautou’s whimsical side with camera work and production design. Jeunet also directed the much darker City of Lost Children. Unfortunately, it’s a little hard to find right now. Something to do with Miramax’s catalogue but I am hearing that it should be up and about tomorrow. If not just keep checking back and it will pop up again. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Harley Quinn: A Very Problematic Valentines Day Special (2023 US). The further we get away from the Hayes code the more fun things get. In this VDay special based on the series Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are dating. The agent of chaos that is Harley Quinn works to give Ivy the orgasm to end all orgasms. Things go awry. Crass, well written, sweet, fun and really NSFW; but enough about me. I really enjoyed this one. In fact I’m enjoying the whole series. The writers are really taking leaps and this special was off a cliff but in the best way. It has a horny Kaiju ffs. That’s reason enough to watch it right there. Warning though, it will make you blush. Unfortunately, it’s only on HBO. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Black Snake Moan (2006 US) Christina Ricci and Samuel L Jackson star in this really NSFW drama about a female nymphomaniac (Ricci) reliving severe sexual trauma as a child and a blues man (Jackson) trying to cure her affliction by chaining her up. As promised at the beginning of #LoveFestFebruary I would feature films that are not just your garden variety rom coms. So here it is. It was uncomfortable to watch for sure but it had some very deep moments especially with regard to mental illness. I do think the point was to make you feel uncomfortable. Talking about child sexual abuse and the aftermath is very uncomfortable. Jackson in his sort of elder sage role does his best to help Ricci and not get drawn in by her advances. I love how Jackson and Ricci just were not afraid to go there. I can imagine other actors when presented with the script were like..Nope! Find it on Paramount plus and available to rent on most streaming. #Film#Film #Films#Films #FilmFan#FilmFan #Movie#Movie #Movies#Movies #Cinema#Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Secretary (2002 US) Maggie Gyllenhaal and James Spader star in this in this, did I just see that, sadomasochistic relationship drama. A young woman fresh out of a mental institution gets a job with an overbearing attorney and things go sideways from there. I’m pretty sure this would not get made today as it has some troubling moments and Spader and Gyllenhaal look like they are having more fun than they should. Although, some critics feel it was more thoughtful and loving than it appears on its surface and would get made today. I actually agree that it’s a very thoughtful representation of mental illness but I still don’t think it would get made today as the surface is pretty kinky. Too much of a mine field and head f*ck. General audiences are not into nuisance right now. But if you have a hankering for something outside of the box then here it is. Just don’t watch it at work. Find it on Tubi for free and available to rent on most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Always Be My Maybe (2019 US) after Crazy Rich Asians Netflix had a hankering to get in on the action so they made this romantic Comedy. Starting Ali Wong and Randall Park and Keanu Reeves as himself, two longtime friends work through their romantic issues. I loved this one too especially the cameo by Reeves. He looked like he was having so much fun with it. Wong and Park have serious comedy chops and deliver some funny moments. Although, I would categorize the film as charming with flashes of funny. Find it on Netflix and should be available in all regions. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Crazy Rich Asians (2018 US) this romantic comedy stars Constance Wu and Henry Golding. I really liked this film and more I loved the impact it made. I put this film in the same category as Black Panther which came out the same year. Huh? 🤔Asian centered films were a thing before this eg Joy Luck Club, but they like black centered films were considered niche. Like Black Panther this film made so much money they had to hall it away in a dump truck. Producers became, dare I say it, Crazy Rich. Other producers now want a piece of the action and make their own Asian centered films. 2018 was a pivotal year in America. The story follows a professor who accompanies her BF to Singapore to his cousins wedding only to find out that his family is absurdly rich. The pool of talent in this is very deep including Michelle Yeoh. What I liked about it most was that it depicted a healthy relationship, not without its problems. The problems were seen as something to work through with comedy of course. Find it on Hulu, HBO and Amazon and available to rent on most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
It’s #FemaleFilmmakerFriday and todays entry is The Fare (2018 US). Produced, written and starring Brinna Kelly. A cab driver and a passenger are stuck in a time loop. The internet is calling this a sci-fi romance. I feel like they didn’t watch it because it’s a fantasy romance and clearly so despite the time loop. If I elaborate any further I will spoil it and I don’t want to do that. I just love this film. The romance doesn’t jump out at you at first. It takes a bit but it is so worth it. Kelly and director D C Hamilton scraped together a whopping $35k for a budget and went for it. For such a low budget execution was pretty good. I think my only real complaint was the dispatcher was a bit over the top. I appreciate a clever film that has a good idea and good execution. Find it on Amazon and Tubi and a bunch of other platforms. Apple TV has it for rent at .99. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#femalefilmmakerfriday #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema
Gilda (1946 US) starring Glenn Ford and the OG hot mess Rita Hayworth. Technically and by many accounts it’s noir but I do think the noir took a back seat to relationship drama. Hayworth plays the title role and femme fatale Gilda. Gilda is a hot mess too and creates a lot of heartache for club owner Glenn Ford. I kinda liked the film and Hayworth really grabs your attention especially when she gets going. You just don’t know what brand of trouble she is getting up to. But I was a little disappointed that it wasn’t more noir. So here is your warning. Ford had a reputation for being a womanizer and had a fling with Hayworth even getting her pregnant. Oddly Ford comes across as kinda cold in this film while Hayworth is on fire spreading chaos and destruction wherever she went. Kinda like IRL. Find it on Tubi for free and for rent on most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #Movie #Movies #Filmfan #Cinema #TCMParty
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #movie #movies #filmfan #cinema #tcmparty
To Have and Have Not (1944-45 US) omg this movie. So much to say. This classic was directed by Howard Hawks with cinematography by Sidney Hickox. A romance for the ages blossoms against the backdrop of WWII France. NVM the plot this was all about Bogie and Bacall. They met and started their affair on this film. Bogie was married at the time but they were having a lot of problems, like she stabbed him kind of problems. Bacall was 19 and Bogart was 25 years older but their on screen chemistry was so legendary that Hawks changed the script so Bacall was the one Bogie left with. Bacall was very nervous on this and was shaking a lot. Bogie told her to lower her chin to hide it. But that made her have to look up. Hence was born the “F*ck around and find out look”. Hickox had over two decades of solid experience behind the camera. When noir started to become popular he leaned into it and brought the look to this film. This film is not noir, but it comes close. Hawks and Hickox would later do noir in the Big Sleep with Bogie and Bacall. At the end Bacall looks at Bogie and smiles with love. That $hit was real. They married just after this film premiered and Bogie got divorced. Whatever your opinion on the age difference they were adults and very happy together until Bogies death 11 years later. Find it on HBO and for rent on most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movies #Movie #Cinema #TCMParty
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movies #movie #cinema #tcmparty
It’s #WTFWedesday and todays entry is Lolita (1962 US) written and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Despite my adoration for Kubrick’s work I have to put this in the #ShitMyEyesAreBurning category. A professor marries a widow to get close to her teen age daughter, Lolita, but when the mom dies he has the daughter all to himself to obsess over. But Lolita is not what she seems and tables get turned. I love you Kubrick and I know you definitely had a point but seriously WTF. The problem I have with a movie like this is there are waaaay too many people in this world that couldn’t get the point if they were stabbed with it. For them it would probably feel like permission or ideas. I watched it once a while ago and did not want to watch it again. Film critique wise it’s very well done. Of course, Kubrick was a perfectionist. Find it on HBO and Amazon or available to rent if you are so inclined. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema #TCMParty
#wtfwedesday #shitmyeyesareburning #lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema #tcmparty
Angel-A (2005 FR) Directed by Luc Besson. A down and out man wants to end it all on a bridge until he meets an Angel and falls for her instead as she works to improve his outlook. I just love this one. If it feels like “Its a Wonderful Life” you would be right. I love how Besson cast a tall super model and put her in high high heels to give her an ethereal look. The cinematography is stunning. Critics complained about the clunky dialogue but I just didn’t get that much. It may have been because of the translation into English. Maybe in French it was like that. Find it on Tubi for free or for rent on most streaming. #LoveFestFebruary #Film #Films #FilmFan #Movie #Movies #Cinema
#lovefestfebruary #film #films #filmfan #movie #movies #cinema