【歌詞】Love is… / 森本慎太郎 #SixTONES #森本慎太郎 #Loveis… https://www.magmoe.com/956455/celebrity/2023-08-30/
【2006.12.13】Love is… 〜いつもそこに君がいたから〜 #KinKiKids #Loveis #Ialbum https://youtube.com/shorts/pBEXROpsnS4?feature=share
Random Whatsapp from hubby. He knows how to accelerate the effects of my morning coffee. #LoveIs
#loveis #thatcher #humour #minecraft
KinKi Kids「Love is… 〜いつもそこに君がいたから〜-YouTube Original Live-」 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1724289/celebrity/
#25周年 #Celebrities #Celebrity #Ialbum #ID #KidsLove #kinki #KinKiKids #LIVE #loveis #ORIGINAL #Vlog #いつもそこに君がいたから #いつもそこに君がいたからYouTube #キンキキッズ #バラード #人気 #光一 #堂本光一 #堂本剛 #愛 #感謝
#25周年 #celebrities #celebrity #ialbum #id #kidslove #kinki #kinkikids #live #loveis #original #vlog #いつもそこに君がいたから #いつもそこに君がいたからyoutube #キンキキッズ #バラード #人気 #光一 #堂本光一 #堂本剛 #愛 #感謝
... sfornare cornetti caldi per me e il mio piccolo amoroso.
Buon Primo Maggio
I know I'm a sap, but finding this on Stacey's mantle when I arrived last night really made me smile. That's the first photo of us that's made the cut (that I didn't buy!)
Figlio che prende la sua mini macchina fotografica (best regalo ever) e ti chiede una serie di scatti in posa. Poi, lanciandosi in un abbraccione, "mamma, sei la più bella mamma del mondo" ❤️
love is ...
Reckon I might have the best one. Out walking the dog earlier and I mentioned in passing that I like scones. We got back and she knocked up a cracking batch for us...
I know, I'm a sap, but what can I tell you? When I'm happy I'm happy!
#happiness #loveis #Relationship
Стосунки моєї мрії, це коли дружина заходить до тебе у ванну і каже:
- Ну шо, сучка моя?
І лясьне по сраці 😍
Just thinking about how lucky I am this morning...
#NewFamily #foundfamily #loveis
RT @Makeiev@twitter.com
Love is...all about finding that special person who won't judge you when you sit on the sofa and fart #LoveIs
I've just been told off for potentially buying too many Christmas presents for Stacey (because we tend to overdo it a bit in my house) with no evidence. She then turned round and said 'I got you something' and handed me a parcel containing a new shirt! #LoveIs #Relationship