I wonder when Twitter will change it's name to Elon's Chat Board, because that is what it looks like now, he is in control, so it is his way or nothing. I check in there once a month to see what friends are up to, but I do not recognise it anymore, it is hateful. I always smile when I open Mastodon. #Mastodon #LoveItHere
One thing that is different here in Colorado from my former home in Arizona is that I feel the pull of winter slowing me down, to put aside the hustle and bustle that my regular, every day life demands. Iām going to follow winterās advice. #Winter #SlowDown #Colorado #LoveItHere
#winter #slowdown #colorado #loveithere
Iām not going to speak on the other app formerly used by many of us. Why you ask? Because this place is way cooler, people drive, not toxic, and overall a utopian place. Why give the dumpster any oxygen. Much love to all here.
So much for free speech on the bird, it's only free speech if EM likes what you have to say. I need to get all my friends over here and away from that toxic place. #freespeech #LoveItHere
my experience has been that the meanest person on mastodon is 10x nicer than the kindest person on twitter and i wish i was exaggerating for effect but im genuinely not #loveithere #mastodonforthewin #killthemwithkindness
#killthemwithkindness #mastodonforthewin #loveithere
Please be patient with those of us who've been so subdued by for-profit social sites that we need some time to rethink our whole approach. š
#loveithere #writer #mastodonemergence
A week ago I didnāt know what Mastodon was, a week ago I didnāt know how it worked, now it is really starting to get populated - truly amazing!
A year ago I didnāt know what Mastodon was, a week ago I didnāt know how it worked, now it is really starting to get populated - truly amazing!