Für das #Photoshop - Derivat Lr wird eine sog. Unterstützung durch "eine" KI geplant sein. Das wird den Workflow, als sei work ein flow, verschnellern. KI spielt nunmehr, wie alle IT der Akzeleration oder dem Akzelerationismus in die Hände. Ist also nicht neu. Erinnert sei an #Zuse oder #Turing oder #Lovelace, deren Berechnung der Berechnungsautomation Zeit erbringen sollte.
Lr = Lightroom
Photoshop und Lightroom sind Marken von Adobe. Adobe ist eine Marke der Adobe Inc.
#photoshop #zuse #turing #lovelace
Lovelace – La fusione nucleare https://radiowombat.net/lovelace-la-fusione-nucleare/ #fusionenucleare #radiowombat #Lovelace #nucleare #energia
#energia #nucleare #lovelace #radiowombat #fusionenucleare
February: #Lovelace and #Babbage - the #Opera at #MIT https://www.wbur.org/news/2023/01/11/classical-music-performances-2023-winter
#CambridgeMA #Boston #BostonMusic #Math #SydneyPadua
#lovelace #babbage #opera #mit #cambridgema #boston #bostonmusic #math #sydneypadua
@Sheril https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thrilling_Adventures_of_Lovelace_and_Babbage is a delightful comic book about her work with Charles Babbage. I learned a lot about their life and times, and laughed a lot. #babbage #lovelace
#Frauen sind in der Geschichtsschreibung meist unsichtbar, obwohl sie die Menschheitsgeschichte grundlegend prägten.
#ARTE stellt euch in der #Doku-Reihe "Geniale Frauen" einige dieser Frauen vor, zum Beispiel die erste Programmiererin Ada #Lovelace.
📽️ (4min) https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/090626-014-A/geniale-frauen/
#GuteNachrichtenSamstag #frauen #arte #doku #lovelace
Fanally satisfied enough with my @homeassistant #Lovelace #UI to share some screenshots!
Made it possible to change the default icon and slider color for the light card from #Mushroom #Lovelace cards. Coming up in the next release, I hope.
#HomeAssistant #UI
#mushroom #lovelace #homeassistant #ui
Mast Mathematical science - the language of unseen relationships... The average person doesn't see :(
So to use and apply a language or even vocabulary, we the people must be able TO FULLY appreciate this language, else not feel or understand the unseen and the unconscious elements working and actually suffer from them (usually from the hands of uncaring designers).
So, from computers to financial calculations... really important to understand what I / you are doing and using. ..
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
CLEARLY some things like this you cannot say to STEM-loving people
(grouping them in nicest possible way temporarily).
The first line of this text and similar is about the "invisibility" of technology (and how important that is) which is like telling a wizard with many super powers after seeing the impressive show "yeah but you miss the whole 'humanity' part!!"
(so if you do anything usually this improving hunan communication is actually often the main point that gets lost / overdone and we have to learn from
...though I admit it ctan seems like a good idea at the start like making planes but not seeing how countries will just use them to bomb people faster or just think about the fuel consumption and realise "no that's stupid to fly at the cost of shipping fossil fuel from millions of kilometers each year".
So STEM is ok to a short limit, then it's missing the human parts. For me it's like only needing Mastodon and Jitsi type things to chat... The rest is bloat or needs better p2p economics (Amazon S3 storage is not "for the way" I don't care if it's cheap don't use it!)
This why gov's and state don't mind pumping STEM (and forgetting the human conversation of caring parts)... They only care for certain parts it "executes" efficiently.
More $T€M and $kip the human parts if learning to get along / deal directly?
CREDITS... ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
This post was inspired by the post below... and a quote by Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace
Nordstahl @Nordstahl said
"Mathematical science shows what is. It is the language of unseen relations between things. But to use and apply that language, we must be able fully to appreciate, to feel, to seize the unseen, the unconscious."
- Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace
#science #math #mathematics #mathematician #ada #lovelace #language #life #bernoulli
#science #ada #math #mathematician #lovelace #language #mathematics #life #bernoulli
Afternoon coffee outdoors on Christmas Day. Mrs' present to us both was this excellent book: a riotous and only partly true account of Lovelace & Babbage #Christmas #Lovelace #babbage
Buon compleanno Ada! 207 anni e non sentirli.
Il 10 dicembre del 1815, nasceva #Ada Lovelace?
Ma chi è Ada #Lovelace?
Augusta Ada King, contessa di Lovelace era una #matematica e #scrittrice inglese, nota soprattutto per il suo lavoro sul #computer meccanico generico proposto da Charles #Babbage, l'Analytical Engine.
È stata la prima a riconoscere che la #macchina aveva #applicazioni oltre il puro #calcolo e ad aver pubblicato il #primo #algoritmo destinato ad essere eseguito da una #macchina del genere.
Di conseguenza, è spesso considerata la prima programmatrice di computer della storia.
A cura di Antonio Piovesan.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #algoritmo #primo #calcolo #applicazioni #macchina #babbage #computer #scrittrice #matematica #lovelace #ada
Lovelace – Steal this book II https://radiowombat.net/lovelace-steal-this-book-ii/ #aaronswartz #radiowombat #Lovelace #hacking #ebook #libri #drm
#drm #libri #ebook #hacking #lovelace #radiowombat #aaronswartz
On an `entities` card, how to change the color of a value/state based on a (numeric) comparison?
Even with card-mod, it seems to only inject static style.
Mathematical science shows what is. It is the language of unseen relations between things. But to use and apply that language, we must be able fully to appreciate, to feel, to seize the unseen, the unconscious.
- Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace
#science #math #mathematics #mathematician #ada #lovelace #language #life #bernoulli
#science #lovelace #language #bernoulli #mathematician #math #mathematics #ada #life
Lovelace – Too big.. fails uguale https://radiowombat.net/lovelace-too-big-fails-uguale/ #criptomonete #radiowombat #Lovelace #facebook #lovelace #hacklab #twitter #ifdo
#ifdo #twitter #hacklab #facebook #lovelace #radiowombat #criptomonete
What’s your oldest math book? Mine is an 1842 first edition of “Differential and Integral Calculus” by Augustus De Morgan. He was one of Ada Lovelace’s teachers via correspondence. BTW the Hollings, Martin, and Rice book “Ada Lovelace: Making of a Computer Scientist” is a lovely assessment of her skills and development from people who grok 19th century math, math education, etc. #math #calculus #demorgan #lovelace #oldestmathbook
#oldestmathbook #lovelace #demorgan #calculus #math
Lovelace – Intelligenza artificiali https://radiowombat.net/lovelace-intelligenza-artificiali/ #intelligenzaartificiale #algoritmo #Lovelace #deepfake #lovelace #hacking
#hacking #deepfake #lovelace #algoritmo #intelligenzaartificiale
Lovelace – Pega vs Predator https://radiowombat.net/lovelace-pega-vs-predator/ #radiowombat #Lovelace #lovelace #hacking #hacklab #malware #ifdo
#ifdo #malware #hacklab #hacking #lovelace #radiowombat
Lovelace – Virtual migration https://radiowombat.net/lovelace-virtual-migration/ #virtualmigration #colonialismo #radiowombat #gigeconomy #Lovelace #bigdata #captcha #hacklab #amazon #ifdo
#ifdo #amazon #hacklab #captcha #bigdata #lovelace #gigeconomy #radiowombat #colonialismo #virtualmigration