Thanks for the shout-out in the #LoveLD magazine, @ALDinHE!
The crowd-sourced 101 Creative Ideas to Use AI in Education collection is available open-access:
#ChrissiNerantzi, #SandraAbegglen, #Marianthi(Marianna)Karatsiori, #AntonioMartínezArboleda, #BushraHashim
#learninganddevelopment #collection #aiineducation #openaccess
#loveld #chrissinerantzi #sandraabegglen #marianthi #antoniomartinezarboleda #bushrahashim #learninganddevelopment #collection #aiineducation #openaccess
Thanks to the Association for Learning Learning Development in Higher Education (ALDinHE) for including my interview in the latest #LoveLD Magazine (Issue 3): Focusing on my ALDinHE mentoring experience:
I have received the first Certified Mentor (CeM) qualification!
Thanks for the guidance and support - ALDinHE CeM team: #SilvinaBishopp-Martin, #UrsulaCanton, #JaneMcKay, #ChenéePsaros, #SamThomas & #AlicjaSyska
#loveld #silvinabishopp #ursulacanton #janemckay #cheneepsaros #samthomas #alicjasyska
Interested in sharing your Learning Development resources so other LDers may benefit? Speak to our @ALDinHE #LearnHigher working group members - look out for the orange badges! #ALDcon23 #loveLD
#learnhigher #aldcon23 #loveld
Sunset and sunrise in #Portsmouth, where I am visiting for #ALDcon23.
Looking forward to an intensive couple of days focused on Learning Development research and practice. #loveLD @ALDinHE
Frantzeska Kolyda shares an overview of their opinion piece in #JLDHE issue 27 which encourages educators and universities to explore interventions & practices that cultivate a growth mindset to reduce inequality in the academic success of students #LoveLD
Loved writing an article for @ALDinHE #LoveLD magazine Issue 2 (see p.25) on the what, where, why & how of impact. If you're interested in impact, start with collaboration, and ask different people in different settings their problems to shape research.
Issue 2 of #LoveLD magazine has just dropped and it's an absolute corker! Thank you to everyone who contributed to the issue. Enjoy the read:
#HigherEducation #LearningDevelopment #Scholarship #Impact #Community #LearningDeveloper @ALDinHE
#learningdeveloper #community #impact #scholarship #learningdevelopment #highereducation #loveld
Ryan Arthur hopes to spark conversations about #race that have been largely absent from LD theory/practice. Read ‘Conscious' learning development: towards a pedagogy of race-consciousness in No.26 #JLDHE Special EDI Edition #LoveLD #pedagogy #AwardGap
#race #jldhe #loveld #pedagogy #awardgap
Let's get visible: evidence-based interventions aimed at supporting, empowering and celebrating student-parents in higher education by Andrea Todd - Read in the latest special EDI edition of #JLDHE No26 #LoveLD #StudentMothers #WideningParticipation #Access
#jldhe #loveld #studentmothers #wideningparticipation #access
We encourage everyone working in the field of #LearningDevelopment to register with the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education as authors, not just readers >> #LoveLD #JLDHE (Image credit: Dr Jacqui Bartram )
#learningdevelopment #loveld #jldhe
Listening works: using the Listening Rooms methodology to explore diversity by Helen Parkin & Emma Heron in #JLDHE Special #EDI Edition no. 26. A case study with innovative methods to explore lived experiences of minoritised groups #LoveLD
Critical reflections on the racialised hierarchies of an ethnically diverse staff-student scholarship project team by Shannon Martin & Jim Lusted
in #JLDHE Special #EDI Edition No.26 #LoveLD #StudentLedResearch #BlackStudents
#jldhe #edi #loveld #studentledresearch #blackstudents
This article by Ryan Arthur advocates a pedagogy of race consciousness (PRC) to enhance the critical thinking abilities of ALL undergraduate students in higher education institutes (HEIs). #LoveLD
Join #JLDHE for the next online reading club meet. 12 April 2023. 5.30 - 6.30pm. We'll be discussing the paper: Critical Reflections on the racialised hierarchies of an ethnically diverse staff-student scholarship project - Book your free ticket: #LoveLD
with Third Space LD professionals on collaborative writing, creating a writing community & the power of collaboration with
Silvina Bishopp-Martin, Paul Chin & Ralitsa Kantcheva in episode 9 of #LDproject #LoveLD
Delighted to introduce the 2022 @ALDinHE Annual Report #LoveLD. #ALDinHE supports, recognises & champions the work of learning developers through community building & practice-sharing, facilitating research & dissemination & providing CPD.
📢Invitation to #LoveLD ALDinHE community🌟Have you presented at an event? Turn your notes / slides into a blog post for #ALDinHE & #Take5. Share your work widely. It could also be the 1st step towards publishing in
@JLDHE . Email #GetWriting #GetPublished
#loveld #aldinhe #take5 #getwriting #getpublished
Samantha Ahern won our 2021 JLDHE Reviewer of the Year Award (ROYA) #LoveLD. Thank you to Sam for all her diligent work in reviewing papers for our journal. Sam also has a paper published in #JLDHE