Jon Best · @best
0 followers · 4 posts · Server

Brass tip and polished wood.
Rifle embellished golden plate -
A cocking handle prepares the nib.
The flow is smooth -
The perfect weight.

Ideas of garbage -
Nothing new or sleek or pure.
Spilled brain-juice all that I endure.
Nothing new beneath the sun -
No words or thoughts equate 'the one'.

Nothing new, but still I write
In hopes I might
Produce the thing
That holds a ring -
A tune,
That people soon
Will sing and swoon
At just how beautiful the words feel.

Until then, more of the same.
But I'll eat my hat if you can say
As I write away
And you glance, now and then,
That this is not a damn good looking pen.

#poetstodon #poetry #poem #lovelygifts #penoftheweek #micropoetry #writing #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidBongiorno · @DavidBongiorno
11 followers · 25 posts · Server

A card, a tapestry, a box of nougat, and sachets of saffron from someone I helped recently.

#lovelygifts #lawyerlife

Last updated 2 years ago