Heute neu: Staffel 2 von Love Me beim deutschen Paramount+ #LoveMe #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
Heute neu: Staffel 2 von Love Me beim deutschen Paramount+ #LoveMe #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
In the spirit of getting this account up to speed, I’ll be dropping pics until you all love me in an appropriate amount.
#loveme #gay #gaybear #harness #anthrocon
TV TONIGHT (April 21)
#DeadRingers #DearMama #JudyBlumeForever #Ghosted #Extrapolations #JuryDuty #WildIsles #LoveMe #DiaryOfAnOldHome #ATouristsGuideToLove #IndianMatchmaking #SWAT #GrandCrew #WhoseLine #TheUnXplained #GoldRush #PowerGhost
#powerghost #goldrush #TheUnXplained #WhoseLine #grandcrew #swat #IndianMatchmaking #ATouristsGuidetoLove #diaryofanoldhome #loveme #wildisles #juryduty #extrapolations #ghosted #judyblumeforever #dearmama #deadringers
Heute neu: Staffel 2 von Love Me bei Binge #LoveMe #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
Heute neu: Love Me bei Paramount+ #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay #LoveMe
Since I moved to a new instance (my own), a new #introduction is needed.
You can find my pinned intro here: https://tau-ceti.space/@imdat/109863682522438461
… I joined Fedi some time last autumn. Since then, I probably learned more about myself than at any time before, mainly thanks to wonderful people, my #NewFriends and some, in the meantime, #OldFriends here.
I am a:
- ✅ #Neurodivergent,
- ✅ #OC (OCD),
- ✅ #ActuallyAutistic,
- ✅ #trans
- ✅ sometimes #GenderFluid
- ✅ #NonBinary (#Enby), who is
- ✅ #Polyam,
- ✅ #Trixic,
- ✅ #Enbian,
- ❌ not into cis men,
- ✅ partner of #LoveOfMyLife and
- ✅ parent of #MyAdoredDaughter. I am also a
- ✅ #Software #Engineer #ByHeart, #BySoul, and #ByFingers. I mostly do
- ✅ #SoftwareArcheology & #SoftwareModernization. I love
- ✅ #Cooking,
- ✅ #Musings,
- ✅ #ChitChatting with my #TransSiblings of every gender or non-gender (as they please; the more the better). Most of the time, you can just
- ✅ #IgnoreMe,
- ✅ #LoveMe,
- ✅ #TalkShitWithMe as long as it is full of #Intelligence, #Wit, #Humor and you have a mastery of #Languages. I love
- ✅ #Cats
- ✅ #Dogs
- ✅ #Animals & #Trees & #Nature & #Beauty & #BeautyInPeople (the list is too long…)
In my toots expect:
- ✅ #TransRights
- ✅ #Politics
- ✅ #WorkTopics (Software)
- ✅ #Ginlo, #Ginlo_II, #Cicero
- ✅ #CatImages
- ✅ #DogImages
- ✅ #BeautifulImages
- ✅ #CrazyDreams
- ✅ #FragMyBrain
- ✅ #HeatedDiscussions (but respectful & lovely)
- ✅ #CrazyStories,
- ✅ Stories about my adored daughter,
- ✅ Stories about love of my life,
- ✅ Stories about love, beauty, magic.
Hello, again!
#introduction #newfriends #oldfriends #neurodivergent #oc #actuallyautistic #trans #genderfluid #nonbinary #enby #polyam #trixic #enbian #loveofmylife #myadoreddaughter #software #engineer #byheart #bysoul #byfingers #softwarearcheology #softwaremodernization #cooking #musings #chitchatting #transsiblings #ignoreme #loveme #talkshitwithme #intelligence #wit #humor #languages #cats #dogs #animals #trees #nature #beauty #beautyinpeople #transrights #politics #worktopics #ginlo #ginlo_ii #cicero #catimages #dogimages #beautifulimages #crazydreams #fragmybrain #heateddiscussions #crazystories
“Todos los seres humanos tienen derecho a vivir y ser felices.”
Lic.Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
#lovers #lover #loveme #beautiful #lovelive
#lovers #lover #loveme #beautiful #lovelive
“Todos los seres humanos tienen derecho a vivir y ser felices.”
Lic.Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
#lovers #lover #loveme #beautiful #lovelive
#lovers #lover #loveme #beautiful #lovelive
It is these moments. Sitting in the quiet. Thinking about my list of things I need to do but also realizing that I 100% will forget something and it 100% will not matter. I like having everyone trying to squish around my little dining area Some will be uncomfortable,some will be happy, but they will all be here and they all love me. Typing that made me laugh I went in search of image #2
#family #fearme #loveme
#loved #loveyou #lovemusic #lovebird #like4like #lovelive #beautiful #loveme #lover #lovers #love #instagood #cute #loveyourself #lovely
#lovely #loveyourself #cute #instagood #love #lovers #lover #loveme #beautiful #lovelive #like4like #Lovebird #LoveMusic #loveyou #loved
rejecting the roo...
#rejecting #rejection #kangaroo #cat #loveme #animatedgif
rejecting the roo...
#rejecting #rejection #kangaroo #cat #loveme #animatedgif
rejecting the roo...
#rejecting #rejection #kangaroo #cat #loveme #animatedgif