Boots Chantilly · @BootsChantilly
1511 followers · 2115 posts · Server

I’m not gonna give you a number, but today is our wedding anniversary. One Thursday morning many yrs ago, I woke up, snuggled up to my handsome boyfriend, & said, “Hey, you wanna run off to Vegas tomorrow & get married?” He said, “Let’s go!” & so we did. & it’s been wonderful. Proposing to him is the smartest thing I’ve ever done. ❤️

#loveofmylife #weddinganniversary

Last updated 1 year ago

Eugene · @edmonde
71 followers · 630 posts · Server


nos dejó hace unos meses y puse cara a una gran cantidad de canciones que me habían acompañado desde pequeño sin yo saber quién era el responsable de aquello.

Me iba a a ponerme ese novedoso invento que era el en un reproductor que se tenía que escuchar con auriculares y que (oh, lo siento mucho) estaba también conectado a los altavoces del departamento de música. Discos enteros desfilaban por ahí y mis favoritas poblaban los bises sin pudor alguno. Mi paga no me llegaba para un disco y en casa no había otra cosa que y , así que entre estas visitas y las cintas pirateadas de mi hermano iba sobreviviendo. Unos meses después pusieron un invento que era una pantalla táctil (sí, a principios de los 90) y una pareja de auriculares que te permitía escuchar dos canciones de cada disco con un colega mientras veías fotos del libreto. Una vez casi me gano una hostia porque un par de chavales querían bronca: me quitaron lo que estaba escuchando mientras veía una estantería que estaba al lado, les dije con una sonrisa que estaba escuchando aquello y me dijeron que Freddie era un maricón y que saliera a la calle con ellos. .

Pues en mi cumpleaños por fin cayó: mi primer disco propio mío y de nadie más, original y legal, en casete. Tenía esa presentación feúcha de con la caja marrón, cinta amarilla y rellenos azul eléctrico en el (escasísimo) libreto, pero era mío y aún lo tengo. Casi me atropella una C15 en Villaseco Del Pan escuchándolo por distraerme con unas gallinas de las ganas con las que lo cogí.

Un tema tras otro de música setentera pero con algo especial que no encuentras en otros discos. No es solo la ópera y las voces dobladas decenas de veces, aquí hay una sensación de urgencia unida a la certeza de estar haciendo algo único: el terrorífico y mordaz inicio con ; el simpático interludio de , muy British él; la absurda , de la que se chotean a gusto en la peli pero que me encanta... Es un no parar, vaya. Durante mucho tiempo #39 fue mi favorita, pero hoy me resulta difícil elegir, ni siquiera si me gusta más la cara A o la B. Por ejemplo, el trabajo de en temas como o se sale de lo normal, siempre ha sido de mis favoritas y, por supuesto, tenemos como tema potentísimo.

Alguien me podría reprochar no hablar de o de otras, y sí, estoy de acuerdo, pero no creo que nadie me lea jajaja.

Esta preciosa edición es de 2015 e incorpora el diseño original en un cartón muy agradable al tacto, además de la funda original, vacía, puesto que el disco, de 180 g, viene en una funda antipolvo que lo protege de rayaduras. Me lo he ventilado en un rato, disfrutando cada minuto.

#freddiemercury #elcorteingles #cd #radiocasetes #walkman #okmachoalfa #hispavox #deathontwolegs #lazingonasundayafternoon #iminlovewithmycar #brianmay #loveofmylife #goodcompany #theprophetssong #bohemianrapsody #youremybestfriend #queen #ANightAtOpera #eugenelo

Last updated 1 year ago

Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: · @imdat
619 followers · 3345 posts · Server

Oooff, has COVID, and really heavy one.

For the next days, I'll be taking care of her.

Please, people, I beg you: wear masks in public transport, closed venues! Be careful! This shit is still not over!

I am tested negative - so that is something.

#loveofmylife #covid #sarscov2

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: · @imdat
621 followers · 3275 posts · Server

Wow! After a really tough week work-wise, what a great day to start the weekend.

Finished a major milestone on / . Only two big work-packages left, all the others are minor topics. And this milestone was really huge with so many great enhancements.

But more importantly, after finishing work, I went to my - again.

But this time I was joined by two wonderful 15-year olds. One of them ("J") is a child of a very good friend of us and the other one ("F") is their closest friend.

I know "J" since their 2nd birthday so we know and like each other a lot. I had never met "F" before thus that was a bit of a question-mark.

Today was their last day at our place in Munich. Tomorrow morning they are both traveling back. In the meantime, I got to know "F" better and we realized we did like each other. She also isn't as shy as on the first day with us anymore.

Assuming they had a great time here and hoping to top it off with a nice dinner I invited them to my Happy Place for dinner (unfortunately, was/is still a bit sick, so she could not join us).

What a wonderful evening we three had: at one point at Pera "F" and "J' start laughing out loud. So, I asked what's up...
F: "I think the girl working here is really beautiful! But 'J' says I can't say someone is beautiful when they are a girl."
Me: "Why, J?"
J: "I didn't say that. Of course you can say they are beautiful, regardless of whether they are a girl or a boy!"
Me: "???"
F: "Well, I think - umm, - you know, I am bi, so that's maybe why J says so."
Me: "???"
F: "Oh, I am bi, you know, imdat, LGBTQ...?"
Me: "..."
F: (a bit hesitant now)"Well, you know, LGBTQ-parade? Yeah, I am, 'B'..."
Me: "You DO know WHAT I am, right? J? Didn't your Mom tell you?"
J: "What?"
(me takes out iphone, searches for definition of non-binary, shows them)
J: "Oh, yeah. Mom told me, yes. No problem, no worries..." (turns to F): "Yeah, imdat is non-binary" (hands over my phone to F; F starts reading, eyes get bigger and bigger - 😳😳😳)
F: "..."
... 😂😂😂 ...
Then the evening turned to an amazing, wonderful, gorgeous, awesome dinner + walk at the + sit at the Isar + dance to some music at the Isar + talk about difference between bi- and pansexuality especially wrt to cis and trans, about trixic, enbian, ...

"F" was so amazed to meet an "older trans non-binary", they completely opened up - to me and to "J" - and we three became probably friends forever: two 15-year old cis + 54-year old trans non-binary person (in case of "J", nobody really knows whether *they* are cis, trans, cis-bi, cis-pan, cis-...; I think not even they themselves know that yet, but atm, they seem to insist on being cis-het, though all the signs show otherwise...)

You probably guessed it: both are, according to them, cis female...

I don't think this was the last time they came to Munich😍

Oh, not to forget: I was then farewelled by one of my beloved friends (I call them friend now because we exchanged enough history to call each other friend) working at Pera with the words: "Come here you spirit of my soul" and a huge, huge hug...🥹

#cicero #ginlo_ii #happyplace #perameze #loveofmylife #isar #trans #beauty #lgbtqia #lgbt #lgbtqi

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat Celeste :v_nb: :v_tg: · @imdat
603 followers · 3097 posts · Server

My Blåhaj and their baby. informed me this morning that I seem to prefer hugging baby Blåhaj rather than their mom. Hmmm, never noticed it.

#loveofmylife #blahaj #ikea #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
590 followers · 2858 posts · Server

Standard procedure on a weekend:
- wake up, cuddle with (too short), cuddle with Mimi aka , my teacup lioness, (not short enough), bathroom (including cuddle with , my teacup panther, - forever), make coffee!
- Check Fedi: "Oh, a follow request." - start checking out the profile - get completely lost in profile, toots, homepage, ...
... about an hour later: coffee is cold - "Oh, what was I doing again?" - Ah yes: approve follow request.

#loveofmylife #catwoman #batman #fedilore #fediverseculture

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
577 followers · 2510 posts · Server

Very relaxed day today, my last day off. Will go back to work tomorrow, but looking forward to it.

Since I kept going back and forth on whether to buy a Fiat 500e (electric) because our two-seater MG-F is getting too old to be used on a regular basis and because we really need a four-seater to have weekend trips with my MIL, I finally managed to go to the local car dealer and have a good look at the Fiat. It is imo the best electric car, with max 420km reach on one charge (realistically 300-350), small, nice, nothing too fancy. I got a nice quote and since I am freelancer/self-employed I can deduct VAT, which makes it net ~24,000 EUR, and I can write it off, so … yeah, I will probably buy it. Just need to wait for to come back and have a look herself. Then we can “convert” our two-seater roadster to be a summer car only

Anyway, so, it was a relaxed, nice day. With that, I bid you good night, my awesome and my cherished, beloved, adored of Fediverse. Sleep well and dream a little dream of sugarplums and … politicians finally doing their jobs (make life of electorate better); people finally accepting everybody else; people just living their real lives; no unnecessary lies (cf “Invention of Lying” (movie)); beautiful lives everywhere…

#loveofmylife #newfriends #oldfriends #goodnightfediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
575 followers · 2459 posts · Server

is on business travel to Berlin, so what happens next?

(Door bell): “RINNNNNNGGGG” - ‘Oh this can only be my MIL living next door. Hope everything is fine’
Open the door - yes, it is my MIL, standing in front of me with a pot full of freshly made, absolutely fabulous smelling stuffed vine leaves (isn’t it “leafs”?? … hmmm) - Turkish style.
Her (as usual): “You wife is gone, so I made you something to eat. Take it, take it. I’ll close the door, no worries…”
Me (as usual): “Mom, you **DO** know that **I** am the cook in our house, right? My wife doesn’t cook…”
Her (as usual): “I know, I know. Take it and go. I’ll close the door” - hands over the pot, pulls the apartment door closed, and goes home … 🤷😍


Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
575 followers · 2344 posts · Server

@AlwaysAutumn Oh, then you have to trust me even more, because is always amazed at how accurate of mental imagery I can create (no, not joking: this is true - I have a very detailed and vivid imagination)
@looneybyron @faithisleaping


Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
575 followers · 2344 posts · Server

Bathtub time… I am really, really bad at taking bathtub selfies…

(Oh yeah, since took the train to Berlin already today, I need other ways to relax instead of hugging and cuddling with her. So, after bathtub time, I’ll go upstairs to ).

(From today afternoon; just had the wrong visibility)

#selfie #trans #nonbinary #enby #bathtub #lazysunday #loveofmylife #batman

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
570 followers · 2188 posts · Server

@TonyaMarie Being an enby, it is quite different here: I don’t have any bottom dysphoria, I actually quite like the practical benefits of a “nice internal plumbing” as Amy Farah Fowler called it.

I do have top dysphoria though, as I would definitely like to have bigger ones up there - preferably a B-size, but let’s see if time will help there.

Since also prefers my bottom (well, I don’t know if she would like a different bottom there as she, according to her, never tried it out), “life is good” on that front. 🙏

@EmilyGB @Elodie_lyra


Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
567 followers · 2149 posts · Server

… Since this was my day off, I also went to - yes, yes, I am there too often, but what I can say: I just *love* those people there. And my table at the corner was free, so, well.

Anyway, I had great fun there, had a lovely chat with one of the people working there who asked if they can sit at my table and have lunch with me - which was just awesome. We got so much closer and talked many private topics… it was just lovely.

Anyway, then he brought me a special drink which I didn’t know they had. I took a photo of it (s Attachment) and sent it (messenger) to and her sister with the comment: “Not telling where I am” (and no, I never had this glass or this kind of drink there before).

Answer from LoveOfMyLife? “I know where you are” - “Where? How?” - “Where: Pera Meze! How: I know that table and I especially know *you*!” 🥰


#perameze #loveofmylife #food #munich #dayoff

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
566 followers · 2106 posts · Server

The thing is: I fully understand - I really *do*. And I *knew* all the time that this *would* happen. I just *hoped* it wouldn’t, but *knew* it would.

always knows better - but just hopes, or rather: lies to itself, that it will come differently…

I feel like right now: be cheerful outside, all the time, to everyone - but inside, hate everything and everybody, especially myself for being such a cynical asshole and for all that was in my whole life…

Yep! I have not yet reached “Peak Bottom” - there is still some way to go (down)… :blobcatnotlikethis: :blobcat_trash:

#loveofmylife #fragmybrain #tedlasso

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
568 followers · 2092 posts · Server

I dunno, I kind of feel really like on the photo below nowadays…

And no, it is not only the unending tickets wrt , it is rather like my whole life feels a bit like this atm.


(I know, I know, it’ll pass … but the last thing missing was answering “well, I am trying to figure out who you are now - with all the changes happening to you, inside and out” to my question “do you still love me” (well, actually she started that by asking *me* whether I still love her, but before I could say “Yes, of course”, she jumped in and said “well, you could ask me the same” and then when I *did* ask her, that was her answer…)


Yes, the last thing I need today / this week…

#cicero #loveofmylife

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
550 followers · 1934 posts · Server

This is the email I got from a friend of our family I haven’t seen since August 2020. She was against “Marriage pour tous” back in 2012 and she is (technically) religious. But she came a long way. Her initial reaction when I came out was “You are who you are, I will always love you, no matter what”.

Today I sent her this photo of me, the first of any such photo since Aug 2020 with the following explanation:
*** snip ***
Well, I do look quite different in the meantime, I guess, one could say “softer”, more my real self and I do like taking selfies and others taking pictures of me now…
Yeah, things have really changed.
Yep, that’s me. What you don’t see is my blue strands in my hair… And yep, [], her sister, her mom, my daughter, … everybody likes the “New Imdat” 🥹
*** snip ***

Here is her reaction:
*** snip ***
Hey Imdat

so glad to read and see and feel your happiness !

Well done for sensing what was true for yourself, for daring to express it. What a blessing for you to be able to follow your real inclinations.

You never looked hard to me. There has always been a feminine touch in you. Longer hair than most men, beautiful soft face.
I can sense a full relaxation in your recent picture. Nothing is restrained or refrained. So happiness can shine through. Yes, a release of tension. And therefore, you are right, you do appear even softer.
Thanks be to life and to your courage and to your family's love. You are blessed and you deserve to be blessed.

I love your necklace. And I can just about notice the blue in your hair. Matches nicely with your necklaces.... You are handsome !

<her name>
*** snip ***

#loveofmylife #trans #support #love #selfie

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
549 followers · 1921 posts · Server

I am a little exhausted. always wanted a “Zierkirsche” (Prunus serrulate; Today we went to “Seebauer” in Munich and bought one. We also got a “Dwarf Lilac” (Syringa, but dwarf:

So, I had to plant the “Prunus” and the Syringa on our roof-top terrace. Since it can get cold there, the plants/trees need really large pots (“Planters”?) so they can survive the winter, meaning: 60x60x60 cm = 220l volume pots.

We have an elevator to our apartment, but the terrace is ON TOP of our apartment, and there is no elevator for the last floor. I have to carry all the soil up there. Luckily, I did have some soil from last planting season.

Anyway, the cherry (Prunus) will blossom in about six weeks - for just a few days. But the happiness in ’s face will be worth all the hard work today.

The Lilac though will blossom from May through October, so, that one is for me..

I’ll definitely post photos of both, when they start blossoming. Yeah, my terrace is becoming more and more a real Garden Eden…

NB: neighbors from buildings opposite of the street actually contacted me saying how much they love seeing my terrace and how much happiness and serenity it gives them to just watch that Garden Eden from their apartments 🥹🥹🥹


Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
540 followers · 1733 posts · Server

@Sym_Trkl Yup, happened today. We went to “Oscar Maria” in in today. Today, it was four of us: , my SIL, my MIL and me… as usual in such situations in really professional stores (in this case professionally managed cafe/restaurant) the people have a loot at us, can’t decide how to gender me, and settle for “better safe than sorry”: “Ladies…?”

Today was no different: “What would you like to drink, ladies? Something to celebrate?” … and the “ladies” just stuck - the whole dinner time. :blobtransheart:

(I’m ok with that, as it is near-impossible to do it any other way than “ladies” and “gentlemen” in German, so as long as they don’t “Mr” me, I am fine)

#literaturhaus #munich #loveofmylife

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
540 followers · 1720 posts · Server

Sometimes, people who we expect least to of surprise us in the most positive and fun ways: today we, , my SIL, my MIL and I, were in the . At the end, we went to the souvenir shop because, as usual, museum exits are always through the souvenir shop.

My MIL (83 years old) says to my SIL: “Wouldn’t that look really lovely on them?” in Turkish and since there is only “they/them”(“o”) in Turkish I didn’t take notice because I thought they are talking about my wife - but alas, not, my MIL thought that that necklace would look absolutely awesome on **me**.

I mean, I am transitioning since a year or so and a lot has changed in my outfit, in my presentation and how I look like. Until today, she NOT ONCE mentioned anything, asked anything, or anything else - absolutely nothing. But then, out of the blue, she buys me that necklace because she thinks that would look lovely on me (still no mention or no questions at all).

It is the long, multi-colored one on me in the photo…

(and on the way back my wife says: “She is funny, isn’t she? No mention of anything at all and then that necklace? And she just said that blue hair really looks great on your…” 😳🥰)

#loveofmylife #hypokunsthalle #translife #selfie

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
535 followers · 1649 posts · Server

What a great Saturday. Spent most of the day with , my SIL and MIL wandering through , eating lunch at and just enjoying a cold but sunny day.

I am going to bed early today as I am really tired.

With that, I wish you, my wonderful (including, including but not limited to @AlwaysAutumn and @Sym_Trkl ) and my (*including, but not limited to* @AlwaysAutumn and @Sym_Trkl ) of the a good night, sleep well and dream a little dream of sugarplums and … “May this be the year of getting [… a] compatible woman to swipe right, of learning to knit and bake bread, of writing more words and leaving my house more often to go out into the world and meet people face to face […] and being kinder to my body and maybe even growing some plants without killing them […]. May there be more love and happiness than angst and sadness. May I move forward in whatever tiny increments feel sustainable to me, and may I not insult and berate myself for every time I fail.”🥲🥹


#loveofmylife #munich #perameze #newfriends #oldfriends #fediverse #goodnightfediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Imdat :v_enby: :v_trans: · @imdat
534 followers · 1625 posts · Server

Today, we again went to in . I really, really love it there (if I haven’t mentioned it before). Now there is a third person there, a young woman. And this is awesome. The way the three interact with each other and with the patrons is absolutely amazing. I immediately feel at home - whenever I come.

Today I went there with , my SIL and my MIL. And it was awesome.

#perameze #munich #loveofmylife

Last updated 2 years ago