Remembering all those lost to hatred and sending love and support to those still with us. You will not be forgotten. 🙏🙏🙏
#SupportTransLives #transremembranceday #transremembrance #supporteachother #loveislove #loveoneanother #loveoneself #beyou #onlylove #bekind
#SupportTransLives #transremembranceday #transremembrance #supporteachother #loveislove #loveoneanother #loveoneself #beyou #onlylove #bekind
@GeorgeClothier guilty as charged sometimes I am like how I never knew… or now one noticed… thankfully now there is more awareness on #adhd symptoms in children and adulthood and debunking myths which I hope will find so other #neurodiverse individuals accept and find a way through the what is wrong with me, why am I this way and instead, #loveoneself and find #powerindifference
#powerindifference #adhd #neurodiverse #loveoneself