How many genders are there? Two? Well, the Talmud (Judaism) actually recognises eight (8)! #talmud #christianity #genders #lovethyneighbor
#lovethyneighbor #genders #christianity #talmud
#WelcomeToMastodon it is nothing like twitter in all of the good ways! I have for sure #FoundMyPeople. #TipYourServers and #LoveThyNeighbor
#welcometomastodon #foundmypeople #tipyourservers #lovethyneighbor
It amazes me that people, who claim to be Christians, can judge and reject others and think it is a Christian act. It is not!!
They certainly flunk the Love Thy Neighbor test!!
Prejudice is a sin, plain and simple.
Image: "Hello, I am.... WOKE"
"Woke means awakended to the needs of others. To be well informed, thoughtful, compassionate, humble, and kind. Eager to make the world a better place for all people. BE WOKE."
#woke #wokeness #bewoke #equality #equity #cooperation #lovethyneighbor #personalgrowth
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#symptomsofthewokemind #woke #wokeness #readingisfundamental #books #equality #equity #cooperation #lovethyneighbor #personalgrowth
RWNJ MAGAt Gun fanatics are orders of magnitude more of a threat to public safety and democracy than the "gubment" these same crazies claim to be afraid of! There's a reckoning coming. Hoping I live to see it.
#ItstheGuns #GunsKILLPeople #LoveThyNeighbor you idiot Christian nationalist wingnuts!!!
#lovethyneighbor #gunskillpeople #itstheguns
You could post this as a response to just about any political or religious #conversation on #Facebook or #Twitter.
"Instead of responding intelligently and thoughtfully to my comment, ___, you respond with mockery and resentment. Do you have anything that is civil, factual, and constructive to offer our community?
"I am your neighbor, ____. Is this how you treat neighbors?"
#conversation #facebook #twitter #lovethyneighbor
4 more days to join my conversational course for 50% off, and start showing your love using your words in Hebrew!
Click the link in the bio, and choose the course from the rewards list for $197 to save your seat! Send me a message with any questions.
#lovethyself #lovethyneighbor #lovethyneighborhood #mazeldon #bibleverse #bible #hebrewbible #jewdiverse #loveverses #lovephrases #mastodon #bibleverses #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #love #neighbors #peace #valentines #Fediverse
#lovethyself #lovethyneighbor #lovethyneighborhood #mazeldon #bibleverse #bible #hebrewbible #jewdiverse #loveverses #lovephrases #mastodon #bibleverses #hebrew #jewish #hebrewbyinbal #love #neighbors #peace #valentines #fediverse
@blmurch, it does make me happy that there are always organizations or just people who immediately help these bused migrants out. Heartwarming to see that little humanity. I just think it’s pure hatred of immigrants & good old American ignorance. Racism, Nationalism, & misplaced blame for economic problems caused by American corporations. The enemy of the common man is never each other but the Rulers of our time-billionaires. #politics #christmas #merrychristmas #lovethyneighbor
#lovethyneighbor #merrychristmas #Christmas #Politics
Please share addys of warming centers if you have them. Open you hearts and your doors!
Folks, things are frigid across the US. Love your neighbors. Keep them alive. #openyourdoors #lovethyneighbor
#openyourdoors #lovethyneighbor
Folks, things are frigid across the US. Love your neighbors. Keep them alive. #openyourdoors #lovethyneighbor
#openyourdoors #lovethyneighbor
Saddened to read about Bishop Dolan’s personal tragedy but heartened he’s using it as a way to empathize w others His message for people to go OUT to serve others is also very positive 🙏 For anyone in need of someone to talk with, please call 988 and know that you are loved 🫂 #DioceseOfPHX #Catholic #LoveThyNeighbor
#dioceseofphx #catholic #lovethyneighbor
12. Mutual aid IS A #union for those without one. It should not be discouraged bc THAT fear of reaching out alone can kill people, stop them having any hope at all. It shouldn't be shameful to reach out for support. It should not be mocked.
#ableism #MutualAid #lovethyneighbor #loveoneanother #AntiPoverty #poverty
#union #ableism #mutualaid #lovethyneighbor #loveoneanother #AntiPoverty #poverty
12. Mutual aid IS A #union for those without one. It should not be discouraged bc THAT fear of reaching out alone can kill people, stop them having any hope at all. It shouldn't be shameful to reach out for support. It should not be mocked.
#ableism #MutualAid #lovethyneighbor #loveoneanother #AntiPoverty #poverty
#union #ableism #mutualaid #lovethyneighbor #loveoneanother #AntiPoverty #poverty
Currently reading D.L. Mayfield’s “Unruly Saint: Dorothy Day’s Radical Vision and its Challenge For Our Times”- thinking deeply about what responsibility to our neighbors and communities looks like, in Day’s life and in mine. #AmReading #LoveThyNeighbor
Things people should be doing, but do not:
#WearAMask #GetAGoodNightsSleep #EatBreakfast #BrushYourTeeth #DriveTheSpeedLimit #UseATurnSignal #TakeTurns #LoveThyNeighbor #DoNoHarm #Recycle #ConserveEnergy #CloseTheToiletLidWhenYouAreDone #WashYourHands #EverythingInModeration
#WearAMask #getagoodnightssleep #eatbreakfast #brushyourteeth #drivethespeedlimit #useaturnsignal #taketurns #lovethyneighbor #donoharm #recycle #conserveenergy #closethetoiletlidwhenyouaredone #washyourhands #everythinginmoderation
For a very personal and in-depth look at generational homelessness, how trauma informs the entire experience, and how the utter complexity of the crisis has led cities to knit gaping safety nets, please read this incredible three-part series from the #LATimes.
#LALife #LoveThyNeighbor #TraumaInformed #Trauma #Compassion #Empathy #HarmReduction
#latimes #lalife #lovethyneighbor #traumainformed #trauma #compassion #empathy #harmreduction
For the 66,000+ #unhoused people living in #LosAngeles, the city council must declare #homelessness a crisis so resources can be deployed to create supportive housing and services for these folks in need. Looking forward to hearing more strategies to help my unhoused neighbors -- many of whom have been priced out of their apartments -- in this episode of #HowToLA.
#LA #Homeless #HomelessCrisis #HarmReduction #Podcast #LoveThyNeighbor
#Unhoused #losangeles #homelessness #howtola #la #homeless #homelesscrisis #harmreduction #podcast #lovethyneighbor