I suspect that some are paid actors there to fulfil a purpose and play a supporting role to the actual action. #LoveVillage Reddit had highlighted that some housemates are actors but this was not mentioned in their backstory. Others reasoned that you'd look to actors to speak candidly in the way they did. And it seems that most of the couples are still together.
My next toot will be under a CW because they contain spoilers.
I've been obsessed with #LoveVillage on #Netflix ever since I stumbled upon it earlier this week. A group of singles moves into a rundown house and renovates it while getting to know each other with the plan of finding a partner.
The selling point is that everyone is 35 and older. The oldest are 60! This is not the usual demographic of dating shows. The people have experienced life, death, love, divorce, and children. They talk frankly about family, sex, and expectations.
Did it occur to no one at #Netflix that Atsushi Tamura should be dubbed by Mike Judge? #LoveVillage
So I guess this is a side of Atsushi Tamura that maybe Japanese audiences don't see a lot of? Sharing his own life experiences, sympathizing with the #LoveVillage housemates. There's one person he and Becky both like to pile on, but it's hard not to agree with their assessment.
As the hosts point out, this show is unexpectedly thought-provoking, touching on issues of cultural difference, age gaps, talking honestly about loss.
#VilarejoDoAmor (#LoveVillage #あいの里)
O cara novo entrou só pra trabalhar pq n deu tempo de conhecer ninguém. Espero q o Anchova aprenda a entender melhor as situações. Fiquei muito triste com a resposta da Minane, mas amei o final feliz! 🥰👏👏👏
#vilarejodoamor #lovevillage #あいの里
#AGT #HotWheels #IThinkYouShouldLeave #LoveVillage #DoublingDownWithTheDerricos #DarkSideOfTheRing #TheGameShowShow #RoadWars #NeighborhoodWars #RHONJ #BargainMansions #LHHATL #TheUltimateFighter #BeatShazam #SupermanAndLois
#SupermanAndLois #beatshazam #theultimatefighter #LHHATL #bargainmansions #RHONJ #neighborhoodwars #roadwars #thegameshowshow #DarkSideOfTheRing #doublingdownwiththederricos #lovevillage #IThinkYouShouldLeave #hotwheels #AGT
#VilarejoDoAmor (#LoveVillage #あいの里)
Achei lindo o presente de aniversário q o Tabo fez pra Yukorin. Amei q eles saíram juntos do programa. 🥰 Ri muito dos delírios do Anchova e me emocionei com a história de amor do Nakasan. Torcendo muito pra q ele consiga conquistar a Minane! 🤞🙏
#vilarejodoamor #lovevillage #あいの里
According to Wikipedia, one of the #LoveVillage co-hosts, Atsushi Tamura, has built a comedy career out of humiliating people, whether it's his onstage partner, public figures, people captured on hidden camera, etc. Which suggests that his commentary here is more deeply sarcastic than it might sound on the English track. And why Becky acts so surprised when he cries over romantic plot twists.
Fun fact: he plays "Butthead" in the Japanese dub of "Beavis and Butthead"
Thanks to the show #LoveVillage, I now have "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)" stuck in my head, which is a welcome change from "And Your Bird Can Sing" ... I like that song, especially the bridge, but not days-at-a-time like
#LoveVillage has been out for more than a week on Netflix and nobody's bothered to create Wikipedia pages (English or Japanese) so I cannot even defend this guilty pleasure
#VilarejoDoAmor (#LoveVillage #あいの里)
Atualização: 2/3 declarações deram certo! 🥳
Okayo e Junpei ✅
Totchan e Sakechan ✅
Fiquei muito feliz!!! 😁
#vilarejodoamor #lovevillage #あいの里
#VilarejoDoAmor (#LoveVillage) é um reality show japonês de namoro com participantes mais maduros. Eles convivem numa vila e fazem várias atividades enquanto procuram um par. Os papos deles são bem prafrentex! Confesso q me emocionei como o comentarista nos epis q saíram: 1-4. 😅
After a day in the office followed by 2 hours of Japanese evening class, my brain is usually quite fried when I get home on Wednesday nights. So when Netflix suggested a new Japanese reality/dating show tonight, it seemed a perfect choice. 😁
あいの里 (Love Village) is a sort of grown-up Terrace House, with the twist being that contestants' ages range from 35 to 60. They live together in an old traditional Japanese house in the middle of nowhere, that they have to make liveable, and there's a thing about ringing a love bell behind the house when one of them wants to confess their love.
This seems good fun after one episode, so I'll probably get hooked on yet another silly Japanese dating show. 😅
#TheRookie #TheRookieFeds #WillTrent #LHHATL #CouplesRetreat #LifeBelowZero #HomeInTheWild #LoveVillage #TheTailor #MenendezAndMenudo #GrowingUpMixedHBO #MyGrandparentsWar #7LittleJohnstons #Chopped #DeadliestCatch #911LoneStar
#911LoneStar #deadliestcatch #Chopped #7littlejohnstons #mygrandparentswar #growingupmixedhbo #menendezandmenudo #thetailor #lovevillage #homeinthewild #lifebelowzero #couplesretreat #LHHATL #willtrent #therookiefeds #therookie
Oh what's this? A new Japanese love reality tv show on Netflix? Immediate binge! 🤓 #Netflix #RealityTV #LoveVillage
#netflix #realitytv #lovevillage