Rokers en hardrijders dragen een belangrijk steentje bij aan de begroting. Laten we iets meer waardering hebben, in plaats van ze te vervloeken 😋🫣
Dit jaar krijgt de overheid fors minder geld binnen uit snelheidsboetes dan verwacht. Mede door uitval van en onderhoud aan flitspalen en trajectcontroles voorziet het kabinet dit jaar een tegenvaller van 149,7 miljoen euro. Daarom worden boetes in 2024 met 10 procent verhoogd.
RT @FreeUkraine91
God bless you Ukraine 🇺🇦 and God bless you Fellas 🐶 🐱 #LoveYouAll ❤️🩹
If the day would have been better if someone had given you flowers- BOOM! I just did. #love #loveyouall
At the Drive-in 📽️🍿
This is it. My last picture for a while. We check-in to the hospital tonight. 🐣
Thanks for all the love and support.
#LoveYouAll #ThankYou #DriveInMovie #Columbus #Nebraska #Loup #DetroitRIpRap #Canal
#loveyouall #thankyou #driveinmovie #Columbus #Nebraska #Loup #detroitriprap #canal
Good night everyone... Sometimes it's OK to let some sadness sink in, we're not perfect and the love we put into things we do isn't anyways seen and it's OK, who knows how many love touches were around me and I haven't seen them. Tonight will teach me to spread and see more love in everyone.
seen (scene?) on the street #NYC #Equality #StrongerTogether #LoveYouAll #pasteup #Wheatpaste #graffiti
#nyc #equality #strongertogether #loveyouall #pasteup #wheatpaste #graffiti
I don't post a lot about migration or ...about Twitter etc. But I will say I post the exact same stuff on here - blab about records, random thoughts about my life, confessions to how horrible I am, thirst pics of celebs & erotic art, just a bunch of garbage - and I was on Twitter 5 years and had like 1/3 of the followers I have on Mastadon. This is a true story! I am not even what I would consider a great follow. haha. so. just weird, things are weird #LoveYouAll #EvenIfYouDon'tFollowBack!
#Papa Flexi-Test: T1, T2 und T3 reisen zeitversetzt an, Tx ist erkältet, Partner von Ty auch. Wer zum Essen kommt wird man sehen. Tz ist dann mal kurz weg, Tx nun doch da, da ja erkältet. T2 geht zum Klassentreffen, am Tag x noch zu Freunden. T3 wird nun früher zurück erwartet, da müde und erholungsbedürftig. Partner von T2 nun auch da bzw. jetzt mit beim Treffen mit Freunden (T2).
Ich versuche nur grob den Überblick zu behalten und T3 schmunzelt nur über meine Feiertagstabelle🥴🙃🤪👋
If I get pink hair am I better at infosec? 😝😝😝
Good morning to everyone this morning, and especially my LGBTQ+ family as we grieve, process, and support each other.
It is right to not mitigate your emotions of rage, of sorrow, of pain, of fear about our social safety.
It is right to take the time you need to fully process and not to rush your moving forward. Healing is a non-linear process.
We are here together so let’s lean on and into each other.
#gay #lgbtq #queer #BanGuns #EndDiscrimination #Team #Family #Support #community #LoveYouAll
#loveyouall #Community #support #family #team #EndDiscrimination #BanGuns #Queer #lgbtq #gay
2015, sur twitter
"Je reviens du futur, et je vous vois tous en train de pouetter"
2017 sur Mastodon
"Je reviens du passé, et je vous vois tous gazouiller"
Les réseaux sociaux, la meilleure façon d'eructer, de flatuler.