#TinyPatisserie looking good for the customers today. While personally I don't care about v day, I love it professionally. #NoRestForBakers #loveyourfoodfolks
#tinypatisserie #norestforbakers #loveyourfoodfolks
You know what's great? #Parfaits #WWLLT #LetItSnow #loveyourfoodfolks
#parfaits #wwllt #letitsnow #loveyourfoodfolks
24 days. Just try and be kind for 24 days because I promise there a whole lot of people out there who won't be and every bit helps. #loveyourfoodfolks
And with an audible whump and exhale, I sit down on the couch after surviving another day before #Thanksgiving grocery shift. Customers were on the whole relatively unterrible. A little rest and I will make my #pie dough. #NoRestForBakers #loveyourfoodfolks
#thanksgiving #pie #norestforbakers #loveyourfoodfolks