“Children and cars are competitors”
When we are giving space to cars, we are also taking it away from kids.
from “Curbing Traffic” by Melissa and Chris Bruntlett
#ChildFriendlyCity #LowCar #BanCars #CurbingTraffic #FuckCars
#fuckcars #CurbingTraffic #bancars #lowCar #childfriendlycity
Funny how some people believe men can create god-like AI, but see transition to #lowcarbon transport as fundamentally impossible. #climatecrisis #TransportEmissions #lowcar
#climatecrisis #TransportEmissions #lowCar #lowcarbon
RT @FrauKrone@twitter.com
55 radfahrende Frauen, Männer und Kinder wurden 2022 durch LKW auf deutschen Straßen getötet. Ohne bundesweiten Aufschrei. Unsere Straßen sind gefährlich für Radfahrende. Und zwar durch überbordenden Auto- und LKW-Verkehr. Nicht durch Demos. #LowCar 🔥
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FrauKrone/status/1588564602929156097
pre-purchase inspection on a truck i’m thinking of buying is happening right now. 😱
i’m #lowCar, which means i hardly ever drive (<10k miles/year), but i gotta be able to pull the trailer and move the dogs around since i’ve got ‘em. not to mention public transit here is a joke. i do miss my days in seattle where i didn’t need a car to get to the grocery store.
pretty sure my hip flexor is gonna be better tomorrow so i can lead that bike ride. 🙌
also carpooling TWO folks with me for that #lowCar life.