Women living in a predominantly Black neighborhood gave birth to infants that weighted less, on average, than women living neighborhoods where less than 75% of the residents were Black. #HealthDisparities #LowBirthWeight #RacialSegregation #Neighborhoods #NICHImpact
#healthdisparities #lowbirthweight #racialsegregation #neighborhoods #NICHImpact
Sight-saving drug to be offered to premature babies, announces NHS | The Independent
#retinopathyofprematurity #rop #retinopathy #prematurebabies #sight #nhs #lowbirthweight #retina #ranibizumab #vascularendothelialgrowthfactor
Kangaroo Mother Care Keeps Preemies Alive:
Consistent and close skin-to-skin contact between mothers and low-birthweight newborns reduces risk of death during their first month of life by 32%. #kangaroo #kmc #premies #lowbirthweight #mortality #kangaroomothercare
#kangaroo #kmc #premies #lowbirthweight #mortality #kangaroomothercare
#Babies with #lowbirthweight at higher risk of developing #type2diabetes
#babies #lowbirthweight #type2diabetes
New evidence: incarceration of birth fathers during pregnancy increases their child’s risk of premature birth, low birthweight, small size, and NICU admission.
#LowBirthweight #MassIncarceration #Incarceration #Fathers #NICHDimpact
#lowbirthweight #massincarceration #incarceration #fathers #NICHDimpact
Women living in a predominantly Black neighborhood gave birth to infants that weighted less, on average, than women living neighborhoods where less than 75% of the residents were Black.
#HealthDisparities #LowBirthWeight #RacialSegregation #NICHImpact #RacialDisparities #InfantHealth #Neighborhoods #ResidentialSegregation
#healthdisparities #lowbirthweight #racialsegregation #NICHImpact #racialdisparities #infanthealth #neighborhoods #residentialsegregation