One bonus to the cats waking me up earlier than I’d like, and feeling not completely wiped this morning is I took a bit longer to make breakfast.
Eating paleo/low carb at the moment so this was: bacon+egg+spinach cake made in a ramekin, and kūmara slices. Both made in the air fryer 😀
I need to add this to my #keto recipe list. I've made zucchini coins in the oven before and they came out AMAZING.
A yogurt dip sounds like it takes things to the next level.
Air fryer zucchini fries with yogurt dip — Vegetarian recipe — Diet Doctor
Back on the serious stuff today! It's a diet protein drink with ingredients that help weight loss. You may have seen me recommend it before. I always swore by it but I knocked it on the head as I thought I didn't need it any more. However, weight loss slowed down without it. I'm convinced it works. And no, I don't sell it or know anyone that does 😆
Has anyone tried any of these? I am interested in Shiner Ruby Redbird in particular. Some of these I have tried, others I have not. I love beer, especially fruity ones, but, well, also all the rest. lols.
@ChiaChatter Wow those sugar free drinks you shared on your site are awesome! Thanks for sharing! #keto #lowcarb
Es ist aber auch echt schwer eine gute Balance bei #LowCarb zu finden. Man will nicht zu viel oder zu wenig „pure Energie“ haben. Wenn man man nicht wie ich ein Stück Schokolade gegessen :blobcatpeekaboo: , kann man es zu niedrig halten, wenn man es zulässt.
Es entwickeln sich aber auch interessante neue Essenskombinationen. Ich hatte vorhin Pute mit Omelett.
Und bevor einer Fragt: Das sind Kilojoule.
Das einfachste Gericht der Welt
Frisch geerntete Bohnen, Olivenöl, Butter, Muskat, Salz, Pfeffer
Omelette in butter, with garlic mushrooms and swiss cheese, rocket side salad #breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
#breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
Burrata or mozzarella, steamed longstem broccoli, hollandaise #breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
#breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
Tuna in oil, tomatoes, avocado dressed with sour cream, lemon and black pepper #breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
#breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
Silken tofu, avocado, peanuts, with chilli, ginger, soy, sesame oil dressing #breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
#breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
Halloumi fried in olive oil, tomato cucumber onion salad with 10% fat greek yoghourt, oregano, stuffed olives #breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
#breakfast #lowcarb #glucosegoddess #zoe
Weltbeste Kohlsuppe
1 Weißkohl, 3 Kartoffeln, 1 Zwiebel, Knoblauch, 1 Chilischote, Gemüsebrühe, Sojasoße, Öl, Kümmel, Salz, Pfeffer
Schwierigkeitsgrad: Hartgekochtes Ei
I failed my 1RM deadlift benchmark today….
I ran out of weight.
#weightlifting #deadlift #fitness #vegetarian #lowcarb #strengthtraining
#weightlifting #deadlift #fitness #vegetarian #lowcarb #strengthtraining
Thank you Subway for allowing me to eat #lowprotein AND #lowcarb even when I’m away for work.
#lowprotein #lowcarb #phenylcetonurie #phenylketonuria