Fascinating article by @Grindrod on a 1980s estate in Mikton Keynes full of energy efficient buildings : https://c20society.org.uk/building-of-the-month/energy-world-milton-keynes
#miltonkeynes #20thcsociety #lowenergybuilding
The Onion: Plenty Of Fresh Air! https://www.theonion.com/plenty-of-fresh-air-1850652648 #heatingventilationandairconditioning #hospitalityrecreation #lowenergybuilding #civilengineering #earthworks #education #crossings #tunnel
#heatingventilationandairconditioning #hospitalityrecreation #lowenergybuilding #civilengineering #earthworks #education #crossings #tunnel
Since #PostNews says they have no interest in barrier-free web design, I opened a wordpress blog to host the rough transcript and fixed some spelling and grammar:
Energy Miracle Plattenbau
Who among us understands German can simply watch the Tagesschau:
Energiewunder Plattenbau
#energyTransition #Plattenbau #boomerHousing #energyGozzler #lowEnergyBuilding #renovation #climateCrisis #70s #proofOfConcept #solarEnergy #heatPump
#postnews #energytransition #plattenbau #boomerhousing #energygozzler #lowenergybuilding #renovation #climatecrisis #70s #proofofconcept #solarenergy #heatpump